Mixed {5sos}

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There you were, you were a few grades above, and that was attractive for him. He was just a sixteen year old, and you were eighteen – just turned so a month ago. One day, he overheard you wanted to go to a bar, but had no on to go with. Him being stupid, with his child-like crush, said he would join. You turned to him, with a smirk on your face, “No way kid.” That is all you said, walking away with your friends.

A week later, with no one to go with, you finally took his offer. There he was, that innocent boy, willing to buy a fake ID and try get into a bar with you. He was tall; he could pass it – right?

The two of you, in a line, waiting for a bar – that he hoped to get into. He was sixteen, a little too young. You didn’t care at this point, you wanted a good time, nothing a little alcohol could harm.

“Remember, we’re nothing more than friends…” You whispered, despite that, you crashed your lips into his. You were drunk, and he wasn’t, but somehow he got in anyway. He was there, mostly to keep you safe – like he always wanted to do.

“Mm, sure.” He mumbled, his lips still near yours, and you shook your head before kissing him once again. He didn’t protest, because he was enjoying it.


Good Girls Are Bad Girls▬

You weren’t always like that though. You were just a good girl, who finally let her bad side show. Your ex-boyfriend – if that douche bag deserves that title – got you into the partying scene. You were a good girl, always getting straight As and studying. You never swore – but then that all changed.

Now you’re a bad girl. Swearing is a normal thing now. Failing is a normal thing. Your parents don’t even care anymore. You don’t even like the library anymore. All you do is date douche bags.


Heartbreak Girl▬

When he was fourteen, you were sixteen, and maybe you were neighbours when you lived with your aunt and uncle for a few months. Those few months, maybe you would run crying to him – as he was the closest to you, in proximity. He would open the door, not caring about anything else, and wrapping his arms around you. His friends would leave, understanding he had something else to do.

“He broke up with me,” You cry, it was your second boyfriend in a few months, and he randomly broke up with you. You didn’t know what to do but cry. Of course, he was there to wipe all your tears.


Out of My Limit▬

That night, when he was sixteen, and you were eighteen, he was suddenly just your friend…with benefits. It started with making out, and then it led to a taxi, that headed to your empty house.

In the room, your kicked off your stilettos, suddenly shorter than him by six inches. He didn’t care, but continued kissing you. Soon clothes were on the floor, and neither of you seemed to care. He was happy, and you were just happy to not be alone. It continued, for a few more months, until you graduated.

It’s been two years since then, and all he could remember is how you looked.


She Looks So Perfect▬

He remembers how you looked, the next morning, even after two years. He remembers how you would put his underwear on, not caring that yours were by your feet. You loved how his were baggy on you, because they were too comfortable. He didn’t mind, he thought it looked good on you.

Once a year, you were get a mix tape, from that boy you once were with. Maybe not in the way you would want to be, but you loved it anyway. He was good to you – obviously in many ways. He would give you a mix tape, and this time it was filled with songs from 1994. You recognized them, and loved every single one of them.

He would remember seeing your skinny jeans, lying there, after school – when you did it. You didn’t care, because you would continually walk around in his underwear, as your parents weren’t home to stop you.



He always thought about you, and whatever you had. Sure you weren’t friends, but you were never boyfriend-girlfriend. He was in love, and you always knew it. You couldn’t act on it, since he was younger than you.

He would dream of the day you returned. He would dream of the day you weren’t about to marry some guy he had never met. He would think about the fact he had girls wanting him, but all he wanted was you.

“Maybe I’ll wake up from this dream,” He would mention to his best mates. His mates would chuckle, patting his shoulder pitifully. He would sigh, knowing this was his living nightmare.

“If I woke up to you, I’d never let you go.” He would whisper, when he was alone and no one could tell him to stop dreaming. All he could imagine was when he last held you in his arms, and how safe you felt. Sure you would do things more intimate, but maybe you liked cuddling with him – come on, he’s like a cuddly bear. He was sixteen, with his chubbiness still here and there – it was cute. He was squishy, and you would find yourself poking him all the time.

“Stop it,” He whined, his voice cracking too. You giggled, loving that his puberty stage was still iffy. He would swat your hands away, but holding them in his – which were surprisingly huge. He would kiss your knuckles, and his warm breath tickled you, so you giggled more. “I…” He would always say, but he would stop.

He would never say it, but he would always think it. “I love you.”


If you're confused by this, it's a one shot mixing together a couple 5SOS songs to make a one shot. It's also a 'your choice' thing, so dream on people. Also, I'm sorry if you don't like cliffhangers or anything, but I like ending one shots on a bang sometimes. So expect random, unpleasant, and unfinished endings.

P.S. This is 989 words on Word, and took me barely 25 minutes to write. I got bored, so I wrote anoter one.

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