Funeral {ashton}

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WARNING: Major character death


He was so young, so sweet, so caring, so loved. He was ready for his future, not knowing it was his final day. He was ready for the wedding in a month, not knowing there would never be one. He was ready for starting their biggest headlining show ever, not knowing he wouldn’t make it to that day. He was ready for the child he never knew he was going to have, because she wasn’t that far into the pregnancy to know. He was too invested in his happiness, not knowing it would end.

He was Ashton Irwin. And everyone was going to miss him.

When everyone found out Ashton had passed away, and from something no one saw coming, everyone had different emotions.

Luke was quiet, he just wanted to know how Ashton could not tell them about his heart problem. Calum was angry, because their best friend lied for a good year, before they learned the hard way. Michael was sad, because he wanted to be there for his best friend. His fiancée, Isabelle, was shocked to find out such a huge secret. Ashton’s family (his mother and two siblings) were not as shocked about how it happened, but when it happened. His mother, knew Ashton could have heart problems (inheriting it from his father), however, she never knew how deadly it could be.

As we start this, I’d like to thank everyone for coming.” Ann-Maree started, with tears slowly coming. Harry and Lauren stood next to her, almost clinging to their mother. Ashton died at the young age of twenty-two, leaving his sister to be fifteen, and his brother at about twelve. Ann-Maree was teary eyed just thinking about her son. “I’m sorry about being so emotional, but, I really do thank you all. And please, just respect my son’s band’s privacy at a time like this – if you’re not a close family or friend. Please.” Ann-Maree saw light nods coming from the pallbearers section, where Ashton’s band mates are sitting.

“Um,” Ann-Maree stammered, as she cried—almost sobbed—before speaking again, “Father Henry will start off the ceremony.” Ann nodded towards Father Henry. Ann walked off the stage, with Harry and Lauren following.

“I’d like you all to stand, please.” Father Henry asked.

As Father Henry said that, people wearing hats were taking their hats off, and standing up. Before he began his prayers, Luke shed a tear, trying to hold the rest. Calum cried, not loudly, as he leaned on Michael for support. Michael wasn’t showing it, but he was ready to sob. Isabelle gripped Harry’s little hand, as she cried too. Out of everyone crying, Isabelle was probably the most hurt.

Next,” it was after the prayer, and Ann was now talking again, “my son’s band will lead in a hymn.” Ann smiled softly, “Ashton would have loved this,” Ann whispered to herself, as Luke shifted the microphone to get ready. Calum wiped his tears away. Michael smiled softly, trying to be happy, like Ashton would have wanted him.

Um,” Luke mumbled. For the years he was front man, he felt awkward in a crowd of people. “I know a lot of you know me as Ashton’s band mate.” Luke continued, his voice getting deeper. “But,” Luke’s voice cracked, “I loved Ashton so much, he was just a bundle of happiness, and just knowing today we’re burying him, sucks. Because, I would rather see him alive and happy, than gone.” Luke’s voice was a higher octave now, as he held in tears. “I just, I want to dedicate every song to him. I want to hug him again. Heck, I want to yell at him for fun, as he just giggled at me.” Luke chuckled, thinking of Ashton’s giggle. “He just makes me happy, and wow, I don’t know what we’d do without him… Now we’re going to find out.” 

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