Posthumous {5sos}

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Everything started happening after he died. His windowed wife gave birth to their, unknown, child nearly eight months later. They ended up with a beautiful girl, who would never see her father, and he would never ‘protect’ her from boys – or girls, if needed. She was happy, that she had a wonderful bundle of joy, but sad that her husband was not there nor could he again.

His band mates though, they were there for her – since they themselves had yet to marry. His band mates were like his younger brothers, besides he real younger brother, Harry.

Michael was there to make the little girl giggle, as he made the weirdest and funniest faces at her. Calum was there as the physical or ‘man’ support. He would mainly be there when boxes were to be moved, or when Mrs. Irwin, or Emily, Ashton’s windowed wife, needed help. Luke was there in honour of his best friend, since they all made a deal that if something happened to each other, they would help their loved ones as much as they could. Mainly, Luke found himself helping Emily reach the tallest cupboards, since Emily was only 5’4”.

“I can’t believe you’re all here,” Emily said, as three familiar faces nonchalantly walked into her house, as if they lived there too – which they nearly did.

“We have some news,” Luke said, as he plopped onto the couch – that he remembers helping Ashton moving into his new house.

“Yeah it’s pretty cool too,” Calum added, sitting next to Luke, resting his feet on the table.

“We wanted you to be the first to know.” Michael said, casually sitting on Calum, as if he were a chair. Calum groaned, pushing Michael off him.

“Oh bugger off, you’re heavy mate.” Calum said, pushing Michael off still, but Michael just sat there, not even bothering that Calum was trying to move him. “Anyways, Luke, you should tell her.” Calum said, going back to pushing Michael off again, who just grinned childishly as Calum could not move him.

“Okay, so before Ashton, um yeah, you know. Well we were recording our fourth album, and we were nearly done, so we’re going to release an album. It’s not going to be super long, but there’ll be 18 songs in total, 15 on the standard. You know, and we had someone finish up the drumming on two of our songs.” Luke said, smiling slightly. 

“Wow, “ Emily said, shocked, “so why are you telling me again?” Emily asked curiously. They didn’t have to tell her, but they did.

“We were going to announce it, but we thought, it wouldn’t be the same without Ashton… And well, why not see if his wife could fill in his gap.” Luke said, shrugging slightly.

“So what am I going to do?” Emily questioned, sitting next to Luke now.

“Well, we’re going to announce the album in a few days, and we want you to be there in place of Ashton. Even bring little Ashley with you if you want.” Luke said, a hopeful smile on his face.

Ashley was such common name, but Emily loved it, it reminded her of Ashton more. It didn’t help that Ashley had the same hair as Ashton, same curls, same colour.

“Um, sure, if that’s what you want.” Emily said cautiously.

“Yeah, definitely, we would feel weird without four members.” Luke said. “We weren’t going to do a tour though, wouldn’t be the same, but maybe in a few years we’ll change our minds and decide we should do another tour…” Luke added.

“I guess it wouldn’t be the same, would it.” Emily stated. Of course it wouldn’t, they were a band together for nearly ten years. It was their tenth anniversary in a few months.

“Okay, now where’s Ashley?” Luke questioned, clasping his hands together as he stood up. “I want to see my niece.” Luke mumbled.

“She’s sleeping right now, uncle.” Emily said, rolling her eyes as Luke pouted. “While she does, maybe you three are hungry?” Emily asked, standing up next to Luke.

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