I've Got This Friend {calum}

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Maybe you were friends with him, but maybe it was more like best friends. Maybe you liked his band mate, but you were in love with him. He would always show you a song he wrote, and you loved every one of them…until you heard one that sounded more than just a song.

Can I have a minute?

I've gotta tell you something.

I heard that someone likes you,

And it might be nothing but he's right in front of you.

There he was, singing a cappella version of a song he said he’s been working on for weeks. – Months even.

He's kinda my size,

Don't look back 'cause he's looking.

I think you know him,

But you just don't know that he's right in front of you.

For some reason, you had butterflies. Sure, you had them around him all the time, but today was different.

Baby, you've been talking to him nearly every day,

He really likes all the games that you play.

He told me to tell you to see what you'd say,

Before he jumps in and he asks for a date.

Maybe his band mate liked you, and maybe he was a little jealous. However, it was a guy thing, a type of thing when first-person-gets-second-person-does-not. Maybe said band mate was sitting at home wondering the perfect way to tell you his feelings – but maybe you wouldn’t return them.

'Cause I've got this friend who's crazy about you,

I've got this friend who can't be without you,

I've got this friend and I wish I could see,

How this would end if you knew it was me.

Does he mean him, as in his band mate? You would think to yourself, with an obvious confused face. He didn’t care, because all he did was stare at his feet, a bit nervous singing about you, in front of you.

Something I have to tell you,

He plays the bass guitar.

He thinks you'd like him better

If he had a car but now he's right in front of you.

Okay, so maybe it is Calum. Calum with the brown eyes that is beautiful. Calum with the beautiful thick black hair. Calum with the thick Aussie-New Zealand type accent. Calum, the one who prefers bass guitar. Calum who has been your friend since forever.

Baby, you've been talking to him nearly every day,

He really likes all the games that you play.

He told me to tell you to see what you'd say,

Before he jumps in and he asks for that date.

Maybe Calum finds your attractive, because you’re not straightforward. Maybe he likes you too much to ask you out and fear possible rejection. But maybe you like him just as much.

'Cause I've got this friend who's crazy about you,

I've got this friend who can't be without you,

I've got this friend and I wish I could see,

See what you'd say if I told you it was me.

There it is, that chorus. The chorus that makes you want to yell “I like you too” but you know it’s rude to interrupt. Plus, you love how he sounds serenading you.

Talking to you nearly every day,

And I really like all the games that you play,

So I want to tell you to see what you'd say,

Before I jump in and I ask for that date.

There he goes, he’s blushing now, and you know you want to tell him you do, but you like seeing his blush. There’s not much of a pink tint, but you know by his flustered face, he’s blushing inside.

I've been that friend,

I've been that friend.

“Me too,” You whispered quietly to yourself – quiet enough he didn’t hear. He continued singing, staring at his feet, while you stared at him.

I've been that friend and I wish I could see,

How this would end if you knew it was me.

He was a few feet from you, staring at his feet, but now you were moving closer to him. You didn’t know what to do, but you stopped two feet in front of him. He saw your feet near his, and he looked up towards your face. His eyes were like a puppies, so innocent. He had a bit of his usual pout – which you loved.

Talking to you nearly every day,

I really like all the games that you play,

I wanna tell you to see what you say,

Before I jump in and I ask for that date.

A foot between the two of you, he continued singing. He would stare at you, with a small smile on his face – opposing his nervous heartbeat. You moved closer – almost as if it wasn’t already close enough. You raised your hand to his heart, to see if it was beating the same. You smiled at his beating heart, because it matched yours.

'Cause I've been that friend who's crazy about you,

I've been that friend who can't live without you,

I've been that friend who wants to be with you,

I've been that friend who wants to be near you.

'Cause I've been that friend and I wish I could see,

How this would end if you knew it was me.

He placed his hand on yours that was still on his heart. His heart slowed down as he touched yours – maybe it was because you made him calmer. His eyes stared into yours, with a loving look in them. He didn’t speak, so you spoke for him.

“I love you too, Cal.” You murmured, resting your nose on his, and you could feel his nose crinkle along with his smile. His beautiful smile. He grabbed you hand, that was on his heart, and laced his fingers with yours. His fingers felt rough – probably from practicing an hour ago.

“I’m glad.” Is all he said, before placing a soft kiss on your forehead.

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