Daddy {5sos}

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ran around the house, looking for his daughter’s clothes and toys. He was that kind of dad, he would do anything – and I cannot emphasise that anything anymore because he does literally everything for her. You were going on a trip, but your daughter didn’t pack the night before, and now you are leaving in an hour, and she has Ashton running around for her. Honestly, she just liked how Ashton looked stressing out and sighing from all the running. She would giggle whenever she heard her father’s frustrated sigh, and was even tempted to help him, but she was enjoying it too much. Your son on the other hand was sighing himself – mostly of boredom. He was only three years older than his sister was; he was ten – nearly eleven years old.

You giggled as you saw your husband run down the stairs again, with a bundle of clothes in his hand, and a bag under his arm. “Ash,” You giggled as you spoke, he looked up at you, as he put your daughter’s stuff on the floor. “Hmm,” is all he responded, before fitting the clothes in as best as he could. He would hold your daughter’s shirts up, and you could see he was thinking of the past, when she was younger, because his hands would fold the shirts slower than usual. “I think she can do the rest Ashton,” You said, grabbing your husband’s hands softly. “Right honey?” You said, looking towards your daughter. She smiled at you, her eyes similar to her father’s, with the same shine to them. “Yes mum!” She giggled, as she ran to her bag to start folding her clothes. “Can daddy help you?” Ashton asked quietly, as he bent down to his daughter’s height. “Sure,” your daughter said, shrugging as she hummed and folded her clothes with her dad.

You smiled at the two of them, and you heard Ashton quietly singing a song form when he was a kid, and your daughter just giggled. You quickly took a picture, hoping to remember the moment forever.

                Michael sat on the couch next to your, newly, teenage son. Michael was older now, but at heart, he was still just a teenager. He was spending the day with your son, gaming – because pretty son daddy’s boy, won’t be daddy’s boy and he’ll want to spend time with his own friends.

                “Ha, got you dad!” Your son said excitedly. You were not paying attention to the game itself, but you were focused on the father-son bonding that was going on. “No, I let you win!” Your husband shot back, getting frustrated that he lost. “Admit it dad, I won.” Your son said. From what you heard, your son was winning, and your husband grew frustrated every time.

                “I won, right mum?” Your son said, turning towards you with puppy eyes – something that no one can ignore. “No, I won, right honey?” Michael said, moving closer to you, wiggling his eyebrows at you. “You two are such boys,” You said, laughing at their childishness.

                “Yes we, but what are you?” They said simultaneously, before looking at each other, “Jinx!” They shouted simultaneously again, “Dad,” “Son,” they continued saying at the same time.

                “How about we stop arguing over who won…and say the prize is having pizza tonight.” You said, as you heard a knock at the door. You stood up to answer the door, and saw a familiar face. “Hey Calum, nice to see you.” You said, seeing Calum standing there, with his little family. “Nice to see you too,” Calum said, leaning in to kiss your cheek politely. “My two kids were fighting,” You said sarcastically, before pointing towards your husband and son. “Oh,” Calum said, laughing at the two, “Hey mate.” Calum said, taking his shoes off before running towards Michael with open arms. Michael laughed before hugging Calum.

                Thus, your night of reunion started.

                Calum ran around, chasing your five year old son, and your six year old daughter. Your son was playing with a football (soccer ball) and your daughter was trying to take it from him, so Calum was trailing behind them.

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