Eighteen {ash x gem}

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When Ashton Irwin was sixteen, he met a pretty girl. He didn’t think he’d ever see her again, since she was only there for a vacation. She was three years older, and had a pretty English accent. She had brown hair, with red dye in it too. She had green eyes, prettier than his hazel ones. She was tall, but still shorter than him. She had a younger brother, his age. She had a mother, who didn’t even look older than  thirty. She had a stepfather, not that he knew what he looked like, because he wasn’t on the trip. Now it’s two years later, and she finally returned, but it’s different. It’s not just a trip, it’s because her brother is famous.

I wish that I was eighteen,

To do all the things,

You read in a magazine,

I’m not saying I want to be Charlie Sheen.

She’s not nineteen anymore, she’s twenty-one. She’s even prettier than before. Her eyes look brighter now. Her brother’s famous, and Ashton sometimes listen to their band. Not that he’d admit it, because he should be punk, but he kind of likes boy bands.

She’s just a little bit older,

I want to get to know her,

She said it's already over.

Her laugh’s still adorable like he remembers from when they bumped into each other at his work. She still has the same smile, but it aged with her, and it’s no longer a teenage smile, but an adult. She’s still sarcastic.

“Yeah, of course I remember you,” She said when she saw Ashton again. Ashton giggled, but stopped when he remembered his band mate was with him. He smiled once more before walking –almost running– away.

So tell me what else can I do?

I bought my fake ID for you.

Of course she remembers you Irwin, she invited you to a stupid bar, Ashton thought as he walked away – Michael trailing behind him.

She told me to meet her there,

I can’t afford the bus fare,

I’m not old enough for her,

I just hate not being eighteen

Ashton remembers waiting at a bus stop, only to find out he didn’t have enough. He remembers walking to a friend’s house, and asking if their mum could drive him to a place close to the bar.

You got me waiting in a queue,

For a bar I can’t get into,

I’m not old enough for you,

I’m just waiting ‘til I’m eighteen.

He remembers waiting in the queue, and wondering what he was doing there. He was sixteen, and she was nineteen. What would she want to do with him. He’s not old enough. He doesn’t look it either. He still looks like a teenager, with all his acne.

I think she wants to get with me,

But she’s got a job in the city,

Says that she’s always too busy

However, for some reason, the pretty girl wanted to be with him. Acne, teenage, sixteen year old Ashton Irwin. He didn’t understand, but he hoped she liked him too. However, after she went home, they never talked again.

She’s got a naughty tattoo,

In a place that I want to get to,

But my mom still drives me to school

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