Who are you?

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(Y/n) POV
I woke up to the sound of banging coming from below me. I sat and and felt something on my ankles. I looked down and I was tied to a bed. I looked around the room and I wasnt home, where am I at? The banging stop and it was quite now. I leaned forward and started to try and untie the ropes but then I heard foot steps. I laid back and closed my eyes and slowed my breathing down. My heart was beating so fast. The foot steps got loader and then stopped. I heard a door knob turn and the door open to the room. I peeked my eyes open a little to see who it was. It was the guy from the house...Michael. I closed my eyes fully shut. He started walking to the side of the bed and the foot steps stopped right beside me. I felt the side of the bed were my upper part of my body sink in. He was now sitting by me now. I wish he would just kill me now I dint want to me tortured. I didn't know that i was crying till a big hand touched my cheek and wiped the tear away with his thumb. I couldn't control my breathing or the tears any more. I laid there letting all the tears fall. As I was crying I didn't notice Michael untieing the rope. He picked me up bridal style and sat on the bed and placed me in his lap and started to rub my back. I opened my eyes for once and stared at his chest that my face was buried into. I realized that I was sitting in a killers lap while he rubbed my back. I pulled away from his chest and tried to get out of his hold. But then he gripped me around my waist and pulled me even closer holding me tightly. I looked up at his face and he began to shake his head no. I looked at him with confusion, why wont he let me go of me? I leaned my head on to his chest and sighed from all the frustration. He stood up with me in his arms and made his way out of the room. Where are we going ? He opened another door down from down the hall and shut the door behind him. It was really dark in this room I couldn't see anything but a small light coming from a window. He sat down again placing me in his lap and began to brush his fingers through my hair.

"M..michael what do you want? And what are y..you do..ing ? " I asked

He looked at me but didn't say a single word. He stopped brushing through my hair and picked me up and sat me on something really soft. It felt like a bed and blanket that I was sitting on. I heard footsteps and then arms picking me up again. He leaned over a little and turned on i think it was a lamp. I saw paper and pencil in his hand and he began to write down on the paper.

" How do you know my name? And I took you here coz you fainted and your different then the other people I have meet. I dont want you to leave this house ever. You are too stay here with me and if you tried to escape I will punish you, you understand me." he wrote

He handed me the paper and I read it. Tears began to fall from my eyes and everything came crashing down. Im stuck here with a killer and I finally just got free from being slaved around and now my freedom is taken away again. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. Michael pulled me into his chest and began to rubbed my back slowly. He turned a little and began to lean back on to the bed. Pulling me along with him. I tried to pull away but his grip was to strong and he growled at me. I laid there next to Michael and tried to calm my breathing. He gripped my waist and thigh and pulled me closer to his body. He moved his hand from my thigh and put it around my wait and the other one in the middle of my back. I heard snoring already coming from him. He was out like a light. I looked around the room of the view I could see. It must of been his room cause there was boy stuff around the room and painting on the wall. The paint was dark red like blood color. I started to get creeped out so I closed my eyes and tried to think of something happy. I started to drift of to sleep with my face buried into his chest and him snoring. Please let me get out of here , was my last thought before I feel into wonderland...

Hey guys im sorry that I didn't update yesterday and day before I was sick yesterday and day before I was studying and getting ready for finals. I have 5 days left of school so im getting ready hahaha. Yeah well here you go loveliers its the next chapter. I hope you like p.s there wont be no romantic senses yet so just warning ya.

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