Whose He

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Michael jumped up from the bed while i was still in his arms. he looked at me with a concerned look and placed me on the bed gently and then grabbed his mask and knife and opened the door and looked back at you.

"Do not leave this room under any circumstances" he whispered

he went out of the room and closed the door behind him. I sat there quietly waiting for him to come back. but then I heard crashing down stairs and yelling but no screaming it lasted about 5 minutes. I began to get worried and stood up and opened the door to go check on him even tho he told me to stay. like I'm gonna listen! I descended down the stairs to find things knocked over and a hole in the wall with the door opened a little. i looked over the step railing to find a small figure with a mask on he had a knife in his hand and seemed as he didn't notice my presence in the room but there on the floor was Michael with a knife in hid arm. He sat up and gave the man a death glare and pulled the knife out of his arm holding it up to show him. he stood and grabbed the man by the throat and slammed him against the wall with the knife to the mans stomach. why hasn't Michael killed him yet he always kills on the spot he never takes his time.

"Michael man i just wanted to meet your lovely woman (y/n), I've heard so much about her she seem pleasant." the man said holding Michaels wrist from getting him to loosen his grip

"NO! she is mine and no one else to see. Who all knows of (Y/N)" he yelled

"hmmmm" was all the man said


so that's his name ghostface, well that explains the mask.

"everyone knows about her even Norman." he said

Michael was about to say something until your clumsy ass fell down a step and caused them to look. next thing you know Michael was over by you within a second holding you close

" are you ok baby, did you hurt anything talk to me love." he looked at me worried

even tho just a second ago he was threating a guy named ghost face. you felt a stinging pain in your ankle and you could feel the throbbing in it. you held your hand out to Michael for help to stand and as you stood on it you screamed in pain. yo were about to fall until Michael caught you and picked you up bridal style. you felt tears running down your cheek as your face began to get red from you crying it hurt you badly that you moved it little your screamed you wanted the pain gone. Michael carried you up the stairs back into the room and laid you gently on the bed. wiping the fresh tears that ran down your cheek away.

"i told you to stay in here, why didn't you listen to me sweetie" he said softly

" you didn't come back and there was loud noises i was worried" i said in sad tone

"sooo! this is the lovely little (y/n), why arent you breath taking I see why Michael took you." Ghostface said

I looked at him strangely and looked back at Michael giving him who the fuck his this look.

" im sorry but I don't know you." I said to him

"Ghostface get out of here now." Michael said angerly

" ok I will but, Pinhead sent me and said that everyone wants to meet her."he said

I instantly looked at Michael with whose everyone look and he shook his head no and looked at Ghostface.

"Ill think about it now leave before I stab you" Michael said

Ghostface left after since an hour ago and I stayed in bed while Michael was wrapping my foot. He picked me up so carefully and made sure he didn't make my foot hurt. He laid me beside him gentlelly and wrapped the blanket around us. He pulled me closer as I began to feel his body heat pressed to me. I looked up at him and took his mask off and pulled his hair away from his face.

"Michael who was this ghostface guy, and what was he talking about seeing the others and pinhead man said." I asked

"I will tell you tomorrow my love. But first you need to rest from today ok." he said

"Ok goodnight" I answered as falling asleep in Michael's arms.

"Goodnight baby" he whispered.

Hello my readers. Um well here's the next chapter whoop dedo heheheh sooo this sucks school starts back next week so I Wont have much time on wattpad as I thought but its ok I kinda missed school. I know im weird but I love learning new things. Well anyways here's a new chapter I hope you like and please be nice with comments. Thank you guys for voting on my book it means so much :) I hope it reaches 1k

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