Chapter 7

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(Y/N) POV 

I woke up to the sun shining onto the bed while Michael's face was buried into my neck holding me closer into his body

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I woke up to the sun shining onto the bed while Michael's face was buried into my neck holding me closer into his body. His arms were rapped around my waist and his legs were drape over mine. i didn't want to move so i wouldn't wake him up but then i had a really urgent feeling of having to pee. I started to pushed my hands onto his chest trying to get out of his grip, but then my face began to get hot and red. i realized i was naked pressed to his body all night. I pushed even harder and tried to move his arm off of me but there was no use i couldn't move him.he was out like a light. i leaned down a little and tapped his shoulder to see if it would wake him but there was no movement. At this very moment i couldn't hold it anymore i really had to pee.

"Michael please wake up i really have to go to the bathroom and i cant hold it any longer" i asked with a pleading voice

"Fine, but u better come back to were u were got it."he said

he took his arms away from me and shifted onto his other side away from me. i think he was pouting because i was leaving him to use the bathroom. i Rapped a sheet around my naked body and ran to the bathroom down the hall. 


I finally finished using the bathroom and made my way back into the room. holding the sheet even tighter then before. there he was laying soundlessly asleep on the bed with the covers over him. i made my way to the side of the bed he was on and looked at his face. he was peaceful and relaxed. i didn't want to wake him or disturb his peaceful sleep. I turned around to leave the room but then something tugged at the sheet that was around me. i turned around and there he was propped up on his elbow with his other hand grabbing the sheet. he began to pull the sheet towards him tugging me along with it. i held onto the sheet so  tight that my fist was white. he then grabbed my waist and pulled me in front of him sitting me down on top of his lap. he began to play with my hair and pulled it out of my face. he then pulled me to his chest and snuggled his face into my neck and breathing in my scent. 

" you smell so delightful, i just want to eat you all to my self." he said with a smirk onto his face 

my face began to get hot and i nugged my shoulder a little to get him away from my neck but all i got was a growl. i sat still not wanting to make the beast mad with me. he began to play with my stomach and then my legs rubbing his hand up and down it and then began planting kiss along my neck and jawline. i giggled a little to it tickling my neck. Michael pulled away and looked at me amazed. i looked down at my hands trying to avoid his gaze. he pulled me down onto the bed making sure that he was on top. he lean in real slow getting closer to my lips. he then started leaning to the side near my neck and began planting so many kisses i began to laugh trying to hold it it. but i was defeated my the tickling man with his big lips on my neck. he pulled away and looked into my eyes. it was a minute until i realized that we were staring into each others eyes. then a big grin stretched across his face and then thats when i looked away afraid of what might happen next. he picked me up and wrapped the blanket around us and gripping me and the blanket tight to make sure we both don't fall out of his hold.  he carried me to the bathroom and placed me into the shower holding me still so i wouldn't move. i looked at him with confusion of what he was doing. next thing i know was that hot water began to hit me in the back of the head and i screamed bloody murder cause the water was blistering hot. i heard a low chuckle escape from his mouth and i began to giggle but then i realized i was naked in the shower with my owner. i covered my areas with my hands to he couldn't see my face began to get hot and i looked away from his view. 

"(Y/N) look at me, " he said 

"no" i whispered afraid if he might get mad at me and kill me 

"i said nicely look at me" he began to get angry

i looked down to my feet afraid to look up at him keeping my gaze there. until i felt a rough hand jerk my chine up to look up at him. he was upset with me i could tell in his eyes but the his eyes soften and he pulled me into a hug. he rubbed my back and held me tight to his body.

" i'm sorry my love, i shouldn't be this mean with my love." he said with a sad voice

he pulled away and began to wash my hair with shampoo.


hello um readers its nice to see u once again. sadly it is 1:15 am and it is getting late i would love to stay up and finish another chapter but i am really tired and i cleaned all day yesterday ( WHAT A DRAG! -_-) 

So anyways i hope you like chapter 7 please enjoy. i know it was short but again its getting late..

well love ya good night and good morning and good afternoon lol just in case other time periods around the world. ^___^

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