Who the boss is!

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Michael's POV

I woke to her beautiful small frame in my arms. I watched as her chest rised. She looked so peaceful and at easy in her sleep. I wish she could understand the real reason she's here. I wished we could stay like this forever. I've never felt this comfortable with someone so close to me. Her warmth makes me feel loved and alive again. I touched her cheek and rubbed my thumb over her cheek. I picked her up slowly and placed her on to the bed gentley so I wouldn't wake her up. I grabbed the covers to the bed and pulled it over her small frame. It was getting that time of year when snow and rain Comes and I hate for her to get sick. I turned the lamp off and locked the door to the room. So just in case she thinks about leaving. I had a few errands to run. So I might as well do it when she's asleep. I hope she doesn't wake up. I grabbed my knife from the kitchen and made my way to the back door and stepped outside and walked to a little section of woods. I turned back to the house and looked at the window to the room she was in.

"Ill be back my love" I whispered

(y/n) POV

I woke up to the warmth in my body gone. I sat up from my spot and realized Michael wasnt beside me no more. I jumped up from the bed and ran to the door. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I heard a big rumble come from outside and it made me scream. It was storming outside and I wasnt a big fan of storms. I looked at the windows and saw it was unlocked I ran to it to see how far the drop was. It was far to get an injure ankle but its better then being a prisnor. I open the window and started to climb out. My heart began to raise from how high It was. I put my foot on the edge of the roof and started to climb down. I was half way there still my foot slipped and I fell the rest of the way. My air was taken away from me. It felt like when a boy gets kneed in the no-no square and they fall to the ground and there in so much pain. I started to get my vision and my air back in me. I stood up and looked around. I ran to a house across the street and looked back at the house. Then it hit me. I remember when Michael said "Don't ever leave the house or you will be punished".
Its my chance now I am free I started running away from the house as fast as I could. Im free and no one will stop me.. After a while it felt like I was running for hours. I stopped to catch my breath it started to rain really hard and thunder shook the sky. but then I heard loud music and people cheering. I looked down the road and saw a house with alot of lights and cars in the yard and drunk people in the yard on the ground out. I tried to avoid the people outside but a guy grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me close to him.

"Well hello there baby cakes, what a sexy thing like you doing out here this late." he said with a slow voice.

"Please leave me alone" I said while trying to push him away from me. He wouldn't let go so I shoved him off and he stumbled backwards. I started to walk away but he refused to stop.

"That wasnt nice you little bitch. Your going to pay for not being a good girl!" he yelled.

I turned around and started to run until one of his friends caught me and dragged me back to him and through me on the ground. I lost my vision and felt sick and dizzy. There was mud on my pants and atoms and hands and shirt. The boy grabbed me but my chin and made me look up at him.

"Ill make sure you won't be able to walk for the next month you bitch." he yelled.

I looked in his eyes and spit in his face. He pulled back away from me and wiped his face he looked discussed. He pulled me up from the ground by my hair and dragged me to a car.

"Please let me go ill do anything just not this." I screamed and began to cry.

He slammed me against the car and grabbed my throat. Tears began to come out of my eyes. I started to fight against him but his grip was to stronge. But then I saw passed him. There he stood starring at the boys back. Michael started walking over here with a big knife in his hand and then grabbed the boy by the throat and pulled him away from me. I fell to the ground and covered my eyes. I knew what was gonna happen next and I wasnt ready to see. I heard the boy scream and then something hit the ground. I knew I was in big trouble for leaving the house. My punishment was awaiting for me and I was afraid to find out what it was...


Hello there my lovely people. So guess what hahaha? Its SUMMER!! Whoop whoop. So hopefully I will be able to update alot more with my book.
Also if you guys really like slasher fan books go read my
Someone New (Jason Voorhees x reader)

 =========================Also if you guys really like slasher fan books go read my Someone New (Jason Voorhees x reader)

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Out of all the books I've written this ones my first so please be nice if you do read. I Dont know why but I really love to write fan books. It this is my first so please go read and vote on it. I would appreciate it. Aloott!! 😍

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