Untitled Part 10

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Michael POV

I woke up to a sleeping (y/n) in my arms snuggled up into my chest. i brushed her hair out of her face and began to play with her soft (h/l),(h/c) hair. I gently picked her up and laid her on the bed and wrapped the blanket over her to keep her small frame warm. all the warmth from our body together disappeared. it was getting to the season of cold weather now. So now every morning its going to be cold not having her near me. I know that her being with me and near me is making me weak but I care for like I've never cared for no one else. she makes me have theses weird feelings deep down in me I've haven't had since I killed my sister. I decided to go on a killing spree since I haven't killed much people here lately since (y/n) has been around. I grabbed my jumpsuit and my mask and slipped them on and put a note on the stand next to the bed so (y/n) knows where i am and what I'm doing i don't want her out looking for me. I picked up my knife on the way out of the house and made my way down the block. this block has been empty for a while now cause of the boogieman. HAHAHA its funny cause that's me there afraid of. I spotted a house with all the lights on sep for the attic light. I walked up to the house and looked through the windows carefully so no one could see me just in case. there in the house was about 6 teenagers they all were on the floor with a bottle in the middle of them. what are they doing with a glass bottle. I watched and see what they were up too i know i was gonna kill them but I wanted to see what they were up to. one of the boys reached out and touched the bottle and spinned it. the bottle then stopped and the girl across from him got up and so did he and went into a closet. they came out and the boy had lip stick all over his face as the boy was grinning from ear to ear. it took 10 minutes and then they stopped playing this games. I carefully moved from one window to another to get a better view of the teens. the two that i saw get in the closet went up stairs. and the other another two went into another room. I knew what they were about to do and i know with out pretention. I slowly opened the front door and made my way into the room the couple was in. there on the couch they were making out. the boy was on top of her holding her down. i didnt want to see no more so I took the knife and stabbed him the back a couple of times and it went through her to. I backed away and began to head up the step where the other 4 were. as i made it to the top of the steps I could hear moaning in two directions . ewe i hate hearing this it makes me discussed I mean its ok if you loved them but not to have pleasure. I made my way and slowly opened the door and made my way to a dark corner. when they got done the girl left too the bathroom and the boy laid there about to smoke a cancer stick. i walked up to the side of the bed while he wasn't paying attention and grabbed his mouth and then slit his throat. he started to struggle but then he went limp. I grabbed the white sheet from the bed and put it over my body and made my way to the bathroom. i opened the door and the girl asked who was there.

" whose there, jerry if that's you it isn't funny." he said

I didn't answer like always and just stood there waiting for her to check who it was she then turned the water of from the shower and pulled the curtains back and jumped from her spot. she then started to smile and made her way to me with a towel around her. she toughed my chest and stared to make circles.

" ah are you tiring to play a game jerry cause if your trying to turn me on its working baby."

I looked down at her and grabbed her throat and squeezed so she couldn't scream even though I love the sound of someone begging for there life I cant let her cause it will give it off to the other to fucking in the other room. I slammed her against the wall and stabbed her 3 times in the gut. she then went limp and I dropped her to the floor. I smiled at my work and turned around to go kill the other too.

/Time skipped/

(y/n) POV

I woke up to Michael not next to me and all the warmth around me was gone. I got up from the bed and looked down at a note that was on the night stand next to the bed. I picked it and began to read the note.

My Love,

i went out o kill cause I haven't killed fir a while since you've been here. I promise ill be back soon ok.

DO NOT LEAVE THIS HOUSE. don't answer the door and if teenagers come into the house just take the knife from under the bed and tell them to leave. or call me on the phone under the pillow.

sincerely Michael.

I put down the note and grabbed a pair of cloths and made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I locked the door and began to strip out of my pjs and got in the shower. \

Time skipped>


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