Matthew Espinosa

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"Why don't you go jump off a cliff? No one likes you anyways!"



"You should cut yourself deeper and die!"

You hear these stupid people at school tell you everyday. You take a deep breath and breathe out. Okay you keep on walking and reached out of school grounds. You take out your phone and dial your brother's phone number.

"Hey y/n whats up?" Nash asks you.

"Can you pick me up?" You ask.

"Yeah sure!" He says.

You look at your scars and touch them. Tears were now sliding down your cheek.

"Stay strong" You said to yourself. You haven't been cutting for 1 month now and it gets harder each time people at school keep bullying you.

"Y/n, come in!" You hear Nash's voice and quickly wiped your tears away.

"Hey y/n" You hear Cameron, Taylor, Carter, Matthew, and Jack G say.

"Hey guys" You said in a shaky voice.

"Whats wrong?" Nash ask lookig at you

"Nothing" You said faking a smile. It didn't fool Nash and the guys because they pulled over at the park and looked at you.

"Oh, y/n. You're not fooling us, now tell us whats really wrong?" Matthew asked.

You start crying and covered your face. You show them your scars and explain about the bullying thats been happening.

"We love you y/n and don't listen to them low lifes. You're a beautiful, smart, and caring girl. Don't let no one tell you differently. You're like my baby sister and we care about you. I know you don't cut anymore but please let me know if you ever feel like it again? We want to help you and just know that we are always here for you, okay?" Cameron says and you nod.

"Yeah, them bitches are just jealous because you get to hang out with us everyday and they don't" Taylor tells you making you smile and laugh.

"I love you, guys" You tell them.

"We love you, too." They yelled and then Nash took you guys to a frozen yogurt place.

"Hey y/n." Matthew says standing next to yoy.

"Hi Matthew" You said smiling adding some strawberries on your frozen yogurt.

"Can I tell you something?" He asks

"Sure" You said.

"You're beautiful and I like you for you. I was hurt when you told us you use to cut and how you been getting bullied. I really like you and care about you. At first I thought it was in a sister way but now I know its much more than that. I like the way you smile and laugh. How you stay true to yourself and love hanging out with us. I love how you don't know your absolutely gorgeous because  I get to remind you. I will umderstand if you don't feel the same way but I just want to let you know that I really like you and will never plan on hurting you." Matthew confesses.

You looked at him dumbfounded but then you start smiling like a goof.

"Awh Matt! I really like you, too!" You surprised him with a tight hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Does that mean you will go on a date with me?" He asks and you giggled

"Yes" You said and he hugs you and kisses your forehead.

"They look so cute together" Cam points out.

"Better take care of my little sister Matt!" Nash tells him giving him a look.

"I will" Matthew says giving you a hug.

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