Seven Minutes

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"Pucker up boyys~"
My eyes snap open. The bottle points directly at me. I stare at it, mouth hanging open. How the fuck? Kenny catches my eye and winks again.
How the fucking fuck?? My brow furrows in confusion, and my eyes fall on Tweek next, who's looking at me, expression twisted in a strange combination of awkwardness and relief. Someone pushes me forward and Kenny nudges Tweek into the centre of the circle as well. He comes tentatively closer, looking apologetic.
Every fiber of my being catches fire.
I'm about to kiss Tweek.
Tweek is going to kiss me.
I have to deliberately slow my movements, so I don't jump on him.
Just inches separate our lips now. So close.
I brace a hand on his shoulder, tugging, ever so slightly.
Our noses bump awkwardly as we both tilt our heads in the same direction, and my hand automatically cups the back of his head to angle appropriately. He mumbles a self conscious apology, bracing his hands stiffly against my arms. 
His breath is warm and coffee scented as it puffs against my cheek, and finally -thank you lord- his lips press against my own.
Electricity explodes from where our mouths press together, surging like wildfire through me, before shooting out of my fingers and toes. It takes an excruciating amount of willpower not to pull him against me, and figure out what his tongue tastes like.
The room around us explodes into howling and whooping and I reluctantly let Tweek pull away.
"Wait! WAIT!" Bebe cries over the pandemonium.
"House rules! First kiss gets 7 minutes in heaven!" She commands.
We are then promptly shoved into the dark, unfinished basement.
Tweek clings to my arm as we stand at the top of the stairs, staring down into the blackness. I make to step down, but he tugs me back up.
"No way man!! Who knows what's down there!!" He panics, clutching my arm harder. My heart thumps loudly in my chest, and I don't know how long I can keep my cool when he's clinging onto me like this. I try the door. Locked. What a shock.
"Tweek, they're definitely going to forget about us... Let's go see if there's a window we can climb out of, okay? ...I don't wanna be down here in the dark either." I rationalize, but really, I only want to find a comfier place in this dark, 'scary' basement, where he can cling even closer. He's silent, and I strain my eyes in the small amount of light seeping in from underneath the door to try and make out his expression.
"...okay," he concedes finally, "Don't let go though!" He adds quickly. I swallow, feeling my cheeks heat.

The stairs are narrow, too narrow for two people to walk down next to each other comfortably, so I go down first, with Tweek desperately clinging onto my shoulders half a step behind me.
"What was that!?!" He cries, fingers digging into my collarbone. I wince.
"Sorry, I hit my foot against the wall." His tense posture doesn't relax, and he steps even closer to me, now flush against my back. I swallow dryly, resisting the urge to turn around and smother him in my arms.
"Uh, you just want a piggy back?" I offer, hoping to keep him against me inconspicuously. He hesitates before answering.
"You won't drop me?"
"I won't drop you."
"I swear."
I brace myself for his added weight as he climbs onto me, carefully looping his lithe little thighs around my hip bones, and wrapping his skinny arms tightly around my neck. My temperature flares as he settles his cheek next to my ear, and I feel his panicked little breaths against my jaw.
"Tweek, uhh, what's jabbing me...?"
"Oh, I forgot about that. Kenny hid a bottle in my pocket for later, cause he knows I won't drink it." He explains, unhooking an arm and fumbling around in his hoodie pocket.
"Joke's on him though, cause he got me locked in here. So now I'm pouring it out." He says vindictively. I let out a short chuckle as I start down the stairs again.
"Or, you could drink it. Since he thinks he knows what you will or won't do so well." I craftily suggest. Tweek is quiet for a second.
"Yeah! You're right! Fuck him, I'm gonna drink it. That'll fuckin show him." He exclaims. "But, you have to help." He adds. I grin to myself. I had hoped he'd say that.
"Sure." I reply nonchalantly.

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