Now What

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I moved as through tar, aware of every minuscule muscle twitch as I carefully lean forward, toward his heavily flushed face. His eyes had screwed themselves shut so tightly they've almost disappeared entirely from his face.
I swallow the lump in my throat as I close the remaining few inches, my stomach erratically flipping over and over itself in my abdomen.
I softly press my lips to his, briefly.
This seemed much easier when we were drunk.

It's dead silent.


Tweek fidgets uncomfortably.
"N-not likethat.." he mumbles - almost incomprehensibly - without lifting his gaze from the clenched fists in his lap, where it's been fixed since our lips parted. I swallow another lump in my throat.
"S-sorry," I stutter awkwardly.
It's silent again.
Both of us uncomfortably stare at clenched fists in our own laps. Finally, Tweek lets out a sharp, frustrated exhale.
"Kiss me... like you kissed me last night," he says, the effort required to utter those simple words painfully apparent from the strangled strain of his voice.
My body ignites like a lit match on gasoline, the fire spreading until every molecule of my skin is radiating scorching heat. 
"Hhhuuhh..." I exhale nervously.
Get it together damn it, I reprimand internally.
I tentatively scoot a tiny amount closer, placing my hands on his shoulders. He tenses in anticipation, slightly shuddering from the deep breaths he's trying hard not to let become obvious. He still stares at his clenched fists, and I take the opportunity to drink in his flustered appearance.

And just like that, as if a switch clicks off, my nervousness disappears.

A wave of calm, certain clarity washes over me, tinting everything a subtle shade of rose, the surrounding room around us fades until all I can see is Tweek. It's like my heart is a balloon and he's the helium, filling it to the brim with buoyant bliss.
I lift my fingers from his shoulder, brushing them lightly along his jaw before gently cupping his cheek.
"Tweek," I murmur softly, waiting for him to look up at me. His eyelashes flutter nervously as he meets my eyes with wide, shimmering ones, his lips parting slightly in anticipation as I slowly lean in. I pause just inches from his expecting lips, gazing deeply into his eyes, basking in the same desperate longing I see reflected in his turquoise irises as plainly as if I was staring into a mirror. He lets out a shaky sigh, leaning in the rest of the distance between us and pressing those delicious lips hungrily to my mouth. I waste no time, rising to my knees and pulling him up with me, pressing him tightly against my chest, and he moans, twisting his arms around my neck and his tongue around my own, pressing himself even closer and deepening the kiss till I'm so dizzy I can barely keep upright.

We break apart just slightly, keeping our faces close and our bodies tangled together as we catch our breaths.
"I... can't believe you like me back," Tweek murmurs in breathless awe.
"...that's supposed to be my line..." I mumble after a pause. He looks up at me confused.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"I've... liked you for weeks..." I confess quietly. He gapes up at me. I look away, heat flaring across my face.
"Then, you lied..?" He accuses, a small note of hurt in his tone.
"...yeah, I'm sorry. I was too chicken shit to tell you... even though you asked me outright," I apologize sincerely, still unable to meet his eyes. It's quiet for a moment, and my heart beats nervously, hoping that the one initial lie hadn't just ruined everything.
"I guess... I didn't tell you the whole truth either..." Tweek confesses carefully.
I look up at him in curiosity, and he blushes, propelling into a rushed explanation.
"B-but I thought they were happening because I was stressed out about it, and that they'd stop once we talked about it, but then th-they didn't..." he blurts, averting his eyes. I'm incredibly confused.
"...what didn't?" I ask. He lets out a shaky, flustered sigh.
"Uhh.. o-on Saturday, the night after Bebe's, uhm, I-I dreamt about you... a-and then again on Sunday... I thought that once we talked about it, they'd stop... but... after the fourth night in a row, I couldn't deny the way I saw you... I mean, th-the way I see you now..." he takes a ragged breath. "The way I f-feel... about you, now..." he finishes. I gape at him, star-struck.
I can't believe my luck.
I gulp.
He dreamt about me.
He can't deny.
How he feels about me now.
"B-but you're so hard to read I couldn't tell if you actually l-liked me or if you were just the kind of person that gets kissy-drunk..." he stammers out nervously, cheeks becoming increasingly more red, fingers twisting and curling nervously in the fabric of my hoodie where his hands rest on my shoulders.
My heart pounds in my chest, imagination going wild with curiosity about what exactly happened in Tweek's dreams.
"What about me did you dream?" I ask, semi-breathlessly, unconsciously leaning in and tugging him a little closer by the waist. He blushes dark, quickly averting his eyes.
"W-what about you?!?" He hastily changes the subject. "You've liked me for weeks?? Why?"
Aaaand now it's my turn to be embarrassed.
"Ah, it's... uhhh, not really clear to me either... it just randomly sort of... hit me, all at once... and I guess I just... I couldn't see you as just a friend anymore..." I explain vaguely, leaving out the part about what I did the moment all these feelings for Tweek hit me like a train. He gazes up at me, with those huge sparkling eyes of his glazed over, his fingers unconsciously curling tighter into my hoodie.
"Now what," he breathes. I swallow, pausing to catch the breath he'd just knocked out of me.
"Well, I thought it was obvious, but, I- uh, uhm... Tweek? Will you like, go? Out with me..?" I ask, extremely self conscious about how lame I just sounded.
But he just smiles.
A dazzling, sleepy sort of smile that steals away my breath all over again, and he nods happily. I pull him closer, bending him backwards as I lean forward to arch him flush against me, and he loops his arms snug around me, letting out a breathy chuckle and nuzzling his nose against mine. I grin back at him, the same sleepy sort of smile, and I just can't believe I am physically capable of experiencing this much happiness.
"Sooo, what did you dream about me?" I murmur, gazing down at him from under my eyelashes. He lets out an embarrassed puff of air, hiding his face in the crook of my neck.
"Come on, you can tell your boyfriend can't you?" I murmur teasingly, unbelievably pleased to be referring to myself as his boyfriend. He exhales sharply, taking a shaky breath back in.
"Uhm," he chuckles breathlessly. "Just... replays... of that night at Bebe's. ...and, uhh, last night's, was a continuation..." he murmurs, lifting his head to meet my eyes, smiling shyly and biting his lip self consciously.
I kiss him. Pulling him tight against me, I kiss him like I kissed him last night, with all the pent up desperation of my fantasies fuelling me. He gasps in surprise, letting out a soft eager sound as my lips devour his.

[A/N: Last chapter is coming soon I promise <3 I'm almost done editing, these two last chapters were a hott mess and hell to edit lmao T^T ]

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