Warming Up

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I was so fixated on what Tweek would say, that I'd completely forgotten about everyone else.
"So, what'd you guys get up to in the basement all alone Friday night??" Clyde gushes around a mouthful of sub.
And now the entire cafeteria table is staring at me expectantly.
"N-none of your business," Tweek quips from the other side of the table.
"Told you they did it, pay up jew." Cartman snickers.
"Fuck you, he didn't say they did or didn't." Kyle spits back.
"You guys bet on us fucking?" I ask incredulously. Kyle glances at me guiltily, while Cartman announces
"Yeah. I said you fags couldn't wait to get it on, and Kyle said you'd just hang out." I feel heat rising up my neck.
Why did Cartman think we couldn't wait to get it on..? Am I that obvious? Can everyone tell I'm in love with Tweek?? Kenny figured it out, so that means it's probably not long till other people figure it out too...
"Hah!! Jokes on both of you! We didn't do either of those!" Tweek blurts, instantly regretting it.
"Oooooh~ what did you do???" Clyde catcalls, leaning forward towards me as if he could read what we did off of the skin on my face.
"Nothing. We drank." I grumble out, trying to catch Tweek's eye for some sort of signal that it's ok to just tell them we made out to shut them up, but he's staring intently at his tray of food, probably embarrassed.
"Aaaaaand??" Clyde presses. Kyle leans towards me as well, as if getting closer to me would somehow enable him to pluck the answer from my brain.
And we made out a little. Whatever.
Is what I wanna say, but the words get caught in my throat. I look over at Tweek again, still in his previous position, not looking at anyone.
"And we made out a little. Like you're supposed to do in 7 minutes in heaven." I grumble. Whooping and cat calls erupt around the table, and Tweek shrinks into himself even further.

"Sorry, I didn't know what else to say..." I try and apologize to Tweek at our lockers after lunch. He sighs shaking his head.
"It's fine, they probably wouldn't have dropped it if you hadn't," he says, turning to me with a little smirk.
"Yeah, that's absolute truth." I say, returning the smirk. We close our lockers and head to third period.
And it's easy.
I guess his therapist was right about talking shit out, even though I didn't tell him the complete truth, it's still easy. There's none of that torturing yourself wondering what they think, too afraid to ask.
Kenny's voice echos in the back of my mind, sing-songily telling me to grow a pair and ask him out.
But this is fine.
I don't wanna risk anything less than this.

The rest of the week went by in a blur of me trying not to make it obvious I'm staring at Tweek every chance I get. But I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. Especially since Tweek's been glancing in my direction a lot more lately.
"Hey," he greets, spinning open the combination on his locker.
"Hey," I reply, wracking my brain for something interesting to say.
"How'd you do on Matthew's test?" He asks. I snort derisively.
"About as good as my love life. Who the fuck gives out pop quizzes this early in the morning." I blurt bitterly.
Ah shit.
He laughs, turning his head away.
...did he just blush??
"S-so, uhm. Craig, do you wanna, uhm, I got this.. I mean, do you wanna hang out today? If you're not busy?" He stumbles out awkwardly. I raise an eyebrow inquisitively.
"Sure? Did you... have something specific? In mind?" I ask, curiosity prickling after the strange way he asked.
"Uhm n-no, not really." Tweek says, attempting nonchalance.
"Ok, sure, yeah. Let's hang out." I agree, a strange excitement bubbling in my stomach.
"Great! I'll see you after school!" Tweek beams, waving as he scampers away to his next class. I watch him till he's out of sight in mild confusion, grinning to myself like an idiot.
For some reason, I feel like Tweek just asked me on a date or something.
I shake the thought out of my head.
Its NOT a date. I tell myself firmly. I don't need any weird thoughts making spending time with him any more desperate.

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