The Fall

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I take a few more deep breaths before walking back into the clearing.
Tweek had already cracked open the liquor, and he grins at me.
"I thought you died there for a minute." He jokes, handing me the bottle as I sit next to him. There's already a noticeable amount missing, and I also take a large chug, wincing as it burns everything but my impure thoughts on the way down.
I pass it back to Tweek and he copies my chug.

"Dare yah to jump in the lake." Tweek says. I snort.
"That's a fuckin bad idea no matter how drunk we get." I say, grabbing the bottle. He snickers.
"Pussy," he mutters under his breath. I frown at him, a smile tugging at my mouth.
"You're cut off already, lightweight. You've had like, what, two shots and you wanna jump in the lake? Cutting you off here, bro." I say, swigging the liquor.
"I'm kidding!" He laughs, grabbing for the bottle. I hold it out of his reach, and take another swig.
"Hey!! Don't drink it all! I bought it, if you wanna cut me off, you better bring the liquor next time!" He cries, trying to take the bottle back from me. He's got a point. I let him take it back, and he inspects it closely.
"You drank like half!! You're cut off." He grumbles, taking another large swig before inspecting the bottle again. It's down to a third now.
"Okay, wait. We should hold up for a bit." I say seriously. He considers, then screws the cap back on.  We sit in silence, watching the water.
"So, why'd you wanna drink again?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me as the alcohol starts to loosen me up. He continues staring into the water.
"I liked it," He says vaguely.
"Why?" I probe.
"I don't know? It's fun?" He laughs, giving me a look like duh, idiot, it's alcohol. It's fun.
We sit in silence some more.
Man, I am really bad at this. It doesn't help that all I can think about is what we did in Bebe's basement.
Tweek giggles stupidly.
"What?" I ask. He grins sloppily up at me. 
"My tongue is numb." He says, sticking it out and shaking his head so it waggles limply. I must be getting pretty buzzed, because watching him do that is stupidly funny.
"I'm bored!" He announces, leaping off the rock to his feet. "Let's explore!" He beams at me.
"Sure," I agree, getting to my feet as well, and following him out of our little hiding spot. I can definitely feel the alcohol in my legs.
He fumbles in his backpack while he walks, stumbling over his feet and the uneven trail.
"It's time for mooooore!" He announces, spinning around to face me, and brandishing the bottle, while smoothly sliding his backpack back on in one swift motion. I laugh, then laugh harder as he trips over a root as he walks backwards, falling ungracefully onto his butt.
"I think you've had enough," I tease. He scrambles back up to his feet as fast as he drunkenly can.
"I trip over shit sober," he says proudly, deftly unscrewing the cap and taking a swig. I snigger at the statement, holding out my hand for the bottle. He regards me condescendingly, and then smirks.
"You're gunna haf tah catch mee~" he taunts, wiggling the bottle.
"Wha-" I begin to ask, but my question answers itself when he takes off running in the opposite direction, giggling madly. I laugh buoyantly, as excitement expands in my chest and fills me till I feel light as air.
I take off running after him, chasing him down increasingly twisty dirt paths, laughing so hard I can't believe I'm still able to run this fast.
He hits a dead end and whirls around, desperately looking for any semblance of a path. I corner him, finally noticing how out of breath I am.
"Give it up Tweek! Surrender, and I shall spare your life!" I declare.
"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!" He yells, brandishing the bottle like a sword, then dashing through a sparse patch of foliage, laughing maniacally.
The laughter suddenly cuts off with a yelp, followed by some intense rustling. What the fuck?
"Tweek??" I call out, hurrying after him.
"No, no! Don't come!" He cries in between howling laughter. Suddenly, I'm on my ass, slipping down a sharp drop. I roll to a stop next to Tweek, who can't even get a breath in he's laughing so hard.
My ass hurts. I handed on a sharp rock when I slipped, so I snatch the bottle from his other hand that isn't currently slapping at the ground, and hold it above my head.
"Who's laughing now??" I declare, chugging down the last bit of booze. Hopefully it'll numb my ass pain.
"Oh-! Ohmigodd!!! You should've!! HAHAHA!!! You should've seen yourself!!!" Tweek howls, literally rolling on the ground laughing.
I've never seen him laugh this hard in my life. My ass pain seems like a small price to pay to see Tweek have so much fun.
I wanna do this everyday.
I chuckle along with him, I'm sure I looked fucking ridiculous, rolling head over ass, down into this dusty fucking ravine.
"You should see the way you look too!" I tell him, plucking a twig out of his hair.
"Yeah??" He enthusiastically asks, finally flopping limp, exhausted from laughing so hard.
We lay side by side as he catches his breath, stray giggles still escaping his lips.
We're both absolutely filthy. Just covered in dirt from head to toe, odd leaves and twigs in places I wasn't even aware twigs and leaves could get lodged into, and I've never felt more alive.
Here I am, laying in the dirt, next to the love of my life.
I wish there was some way I could kiss him, without ruining anything. Like at Bebe's party.
I want another free pass.
Tweek rolls over onto his stomach, leaning on his elbows.
He grins down at me. And I can't help returning the shit eating grin.
"We should do this, all the time." He says giddily. I nod up at him.
"Yeah, I haven't had this much fun since-"
And suddenly he's kissing me.
Tugging on the front of my hoodie, he shimmies closer, pressing hungrily into my mouth.
Holy. Shit.
I kiss back with everything I have in me, shifting slightly so I can pull him all the way against me. The way he loops his legs around mine makes me start to realize this was his plan all along.
Get drunk and make out.
Godddd he tastes amazing.
I roll us over, pinning him underneath me. He moans softly into my mouth and that's all I can handle.
There's no stopping the raging hard-on that's erupting in my pants.
But I don't care.
This was his initiative.
I know there's no way he doesn't feel it as he writhes against me, sucking desperately on my tongue. My hips buck involuntarily, and I know he definitely feels it now.
He breaks our frenzied kissing, and gazes up at me through heavily glazed eyes, panting softly.
I can't stop staring.
I trace my fingers along his soft jaw line, his full cheek, tucking some stray pieces of hair off of his beautiful face. His eyelids flutter closed as my fingers reach his lips, and he exhales sharply, yanking me back down and tangling his tongue with mine, moaning eagerly.

OhHh Christ. Thank you god!

A/N: ayyyee when you drop 4 chapters after not sleeping 😁😎👌

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