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Kenny leaves my house to kidnap Tweek to the party, leaving me with the thinly veiled threat that he'd have "no control over Tweek hooking up with someone else".
So here I am, like a fucking tool, knocking at Clyde's front door so I don't show up at Bebe's alone like a loser.
"Yooo Craigsterrr! You're just in time! Grab a controller, we're about to slay Token at Mario Party." Clyde enthuses, grabbing me by the elbow and dragging me into his living room. Token rolls his eyes at Clyde's bravado, and Jimmy holds up the last controller for me to take.
"Uh, are you guys going to Bebe's later?" I try to ask as casually as possible.
"Yah dude. This is drinking Mario Party. Obviously. The fuck." Clyde chortles, slapping my shoulder.
I guess I could use a couple drinks, especially if Kenny makes good on his promise to "help me along".

I'm not even that drunk and I already feel like throwing up as we walk up Bebe's driveway. The party seems to be already raging inside, and I silently pray for a miracle that the cops would come and shut it down before anything terrible has to happen between Tweek and I.
Mercifully, I don't see Tweek or Kenny as we do the rounds through the party.
Maybe Tweek didn't let himself get kidnapped. I breathe a sigh of relief.
Maybe I can actually have some fun tonight and manage to take my mind off him.
"Oh, hey Craig. I didn't think you'd be here,"
No such luck.
I turn to face Tweek and he smiles shyly up at me.
"I've been meaning to ask... are you mad at me or something?" He asks nervously.
Wow. I guess I'm not as great an actor as I thought... I just hope he hasn't caught on to the real reason I'm avoiding him.
"No, dude. Why?" I shrug nonchalantly. He wrings his fingers, staring at the floor uneasily.
"I-I just... I guess I was just overthinking things," he says self-consciously.
"Well I'm not mad. So relax," I reinforce, allowing myself to pat him on the shoulder briefly. He smiles awkwardly up at me.
"Wanna... beer?" I ask.
"Um, I think I'm just gonna go home actually," he admits sheepishly.
"Oh." Is all I could say.
A cold, heavy, feeling compresses my chest as he tells me he'll "see me at school" and I watch him slip away through the crowd until I lose sight of him.
I don't even feel like drinking anymore.
I honestly don't even know why I'm still at this fuckin party. I'm basically sober, and Tweek just left, which makes the whole point of being here obsolete. Not to mention I'm getting increasingly more bitter thinking about how this thing I have for Tweek is never gonna amount to anything but one-sided suffering.
I roll my eyes at how pathetic I am, and manage to catch sight of Kenny in the process.
He's sharing an armchair with Bebe, and he catches my eye in the exact second I look at him.
He grins at me, wiggling his eyebrows and giving me an overdramatized wink. I roll my eyes again as Kenny leans over to whisper in Bebe's ear. She then grins huge, loops her arms around his neck and plants a wet kiss on his mouth.  I look away in disgust, and the next thing I know, she's clapping her hands, to get everyone to quiet down.
The music is turned down, and everyone gathers curiously.
"Ok everyone! It's time for a little game called..." she announces, pausing to grow the suspense. Several people call out various drinking games, but she remains silent, grin growing with every wrong guess.
"Spin the bottle!" Yells Wendy, also grinning like an idiot.
Oh, fucking great.
I guess this is my cue to leave.
Bebe claps excitedly, instructing everyone sit in a circle on the living room floor. Some grumble, others chatter excitedly as they all shuffle into the centre of the room.
I get up and make to walk out, but then I see Kenny, sauntering in with a very anxious Tweek, squirming in a headlock.
Kenny then catches my eye and smirks self indulgently, winking at me again. I glower at him and plop my ass down in the damn circle that had begun to form.
I guess poor Tweek never got a chance to leave.
Kenny sits Tweek down next to him, keeping a casual hold on his arm. I almost wanna laugh as I watch the two, because despite Kenny's casual relaxed posture, his knuckles gripping Tweek's arm are white.
Tweek is leaning in close now, whispering frantically to Kenny, no doubt trying to convince his captor to have mercy.
"Okay!! Who wants to start?" Bebe sings, wiggling a bottle in her fingers. Everyone falls silent, glancing around daring one another to step up.
"Tweek does." Kenny calls out.
Tweek freezes mid whisper, the colour draining from his shocked face.
Several girls including Bebe cheer, happy to see a boy go first.
Bebe passes the bottle down the circle, and Kenny presses it firmly into Tweek's hand.
Everyone stares at Tweek waiting to see who his spin lands on.
His eyes dart nervously around the circle as he hesitantly sets the bottle on the floor. Our eyes meet, and his brow creases in a silent plea for help. Kenny nudges his shoulder, and Tweek looks up at him once more pleadingly.
"Spin it already!" Someone calls out. Tweeks shoulders fall in defeat, and his fingers deftly twist the bottle.
I swallow dryly around my heart as it pounds in my throat.
Please, please god, let it be me. I've never asked for anything in my life. Just this one thing. Please God don't let him kiss anyone else.
Several people whoop and catcall, upping the anticipation, while Tweek wrings his fingers, chewing viciously on his lip as his eyes dart around the room, searching for the nearest escape route. The bottle slows, rolling to an agonizingly slow stop.
It's too slow. It's going to stop before it spins back around to me. I shut my eyes, not wanting to witness Tweek kiss the much luckier fucker than me.
The room explodes into wolf whistles and cat calls, and it takes all I have, not to bust out of here.

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