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The bell rings and Tweek pushes away gasping.
"Shit." He hisses, trying to untangle himself from my arms.
"I can't believe we made out for the whole hour!" He exclaims, giggling as I pull him back in to kiss him.
"Craig! We're gonna get in so much shit!" He gasps in exasperation between giggles, as my lips trail kisses down his neck.
"Craig!! We gotta get our stuff!" He exclaims, and I let him escape this time. He scurries out of the bathroom back to his class and I follow after him, quickly ducking into my class to grab my books and flipping off the teacher when he asks where I've been, before hurrying out to catch up to Tweek.
"O-oh, I wasn't feeling very good, but I'm better now, sorry," I hear him excuse from where I'm waiting outside the door. He dashes past me a second later, and I catch him by the arm. He yelps in surprise.
"Skip with me," I whisper in his ear.
"I can't skip class!" He flusters.
"Why not? You pretty much skipped last class, and besides, this is the last period." I reason. He gawps at me.
"Exactly! I can't miss ANOTHER class!"
"Well, that's too bad, because no ones home at my house right now, so we would have all of last period to do whatever." I persuade suggestively. He hesitates, considering my proposal breathlessly.
"Ok, let's go," He pants out, his voice an octave lower then it usually is.
We hold hands and run all the way to my house laughing like idiots. Breathlessly kissing as soon as the front door is shut behind us. His fingers gingerly unzip my hoodie, and mine scramble with the buttons of his shirt as we stumble up the stairs wrapped around each other.
I shrug out of my hoodie as Tweek slams my bedroom door shut behind us and we collapse onto my bed. He slips his hands underneath my shirt, tracing his fingers over my back and tugging my shirt up over my head as I finally undo his last button, sliding my hands over his bare torso and around his shoulders to peel his shirt off him completely. He moans in approval as my mouth finds purchase against his freshly bared collarbone, tangling his legs around mine, he pulls me flush against him, grinding against me.
We finally pull apart, breathlessly staring at each other tangled up in limbs on my bed.
"Touch me," he intones.
I don't hesitate, groping my hands down his bare torso to the bulge pressing into my hip through his jeans. He groans thickly, tucking his head into my shoulder and tracing an incredibly heated tongue across my collarbone and up the base of my throat as I rhythmically rub my hand against him, his hands grasping and tugging across my body in lustful frenzy.
"Twee-heek~" I moan out as his scorching mouth trails it's way down my throat again, his hands slipping underneath the waistband of my jeans and rubbing up and down my hard length. He pushes me over, climbing lithely on top of me and straddling my hips. There's a hungry expression on his face that flips my stomach and I gasp to catch my breath as he gropes his hands all over my torso, leaning down to tangle his tongue with my own as his hips grind our crotches together.
His lips trail down my jaw, down my throat, all the way down to the the waistband of my pants, where his hands frantically scramble to undo my jeans.
He only pauses a moment after pulling me out of my pants before taking me into his scorching hot mouth.
"HNngghh!" I moan loudly as his tongue twists expertly around me, slowly bobbing his head up and down my length.
Goddd Tweek... 
"W-wait -mmh! Twe-Tweek, I'm g-gonna- nnhhg!" I sputter out as Tweek sucks my entire soul out of my body. He coughs and I lift my head weakly to look at him.
"Y-you okay?" I ask, my voice wavering awkwardly post-orgasm. He nods, but his brows are furrowed in concentration and he holds a hand against his lips. After a moment, he swallows, grimacing a little.
I might pass out.
Tweek just.
Swallowed my-
"It's... weirdly metallic..." he says thoughtfully, smacking his lips.
This is too fucking much.
"Is it... bad??" I ask from underneath my hands, clasped tightly over my red-hot face. I can't look at him right now without wanting to pin him to the fucking wall and seeing just how loud I can get him to moan my name.
I feel him shift on my lap, and then I feel something hot and wet lick up my still-exposed length.
"No~" he says, breath hot against my stomach as his mouth continues it's upward trajectory. I can't take it a second longer.
I grab him by the arms, swiftly flipping us and pinning him in one manoeuvre. He huffs out a breath, half-lidded eyes drawing me in like tractor-beams. I devour his mouth, pressing against him hard as our mouths fuse together with a hunger I've never known. I rock against him, frantically lifting his hips higher against me for more thrust as I grind against him and he moans thickly into my mouth, breaking free to breathlessly gasp my name. I don't let up, thrusting against him as my mouth finds the exposed skin of his throat, and I suck and nip at his scorching skin, pinning his arms immobile above his head, encouraged further by the beautiful symphony of moans and sighs escaping from between his breathless, panting lips.
The friction and heat against my pants is driving me fucking crazy, but I keep it under control as I mimic his same trail of kissing and sucking all the way to his waistband, fingers deftly undoing his pants and wasting no time yanking them down his thighs. He gasps in surprise, his now-freed arms folding over to cover his flushed face as I press my lips to the tip of his twitching length. He whimpers my name as I take all of him into my mouth, breathlessly moaning as my tongue tries to mimic what I felt him do to me earlier.
"Hnn- guhh! Ooa-Aah! Mmn-cr-Craig! -hAAh!" He cries out, loudly, his fingers clawing and gripping at my blankets and my hair as I bury his throbbing cock in my throat.
"OoOohHhh~ ha-I'm, gonn-nngh- uugn!" He goes limp as he finishes into my mouth. I take my time sliding him out of my mouth and he moans softly, shuddering involuntarily as he slowly slips out from between my lips. I swallow, committing his taste to memory as I grind my body up against his torso on the way up to his lips. His dazed eyes find me, and I smile down at him taking in his blissfully-out-of-it expression glowing up at me.
"Feel good, Tweek?" I murmur softly.
"Mmh," he mumbles, sliding heavy arms around my neck and pulling me down for a kiss. I wrap him tight in my arms, kissing back ardently as we bask in each other's blissful warmth.
"Wanna go again?" He murmurs in my ear after a moment, and I can feel him harden as he meekly fidgets against me.
Fuck yeah I wanna go again.
I hum in confirmation, slowly grinding against him as I lift my head to kiss him.
Downstairs the front door slams shut and sounds of laughing teenage girls waft up the stairs. I groan.
"Dammit. Time's up." I say, sighing in frustration as I kiss up Tweek's throat, trying to keep lingering in our little bubble. Tweek whines his disappointment, clutching me to his body in defiance, as - what sounds like an army of teenage girls - clamber up the stairs.
"Let's go to my house, my parents are out till late Thursdays," he says suddenly, as if just remembering.
"Well why didn't you say that in the first place," I grin.

"Really? THIS movie?" Tweek scoffs grinning, as he comes back into his room with a massive bowl of popcorn, and sees the movie I chose to queue up on his TV. I crane my neck around to playfully peck him on the lips from my spot on the end of the bed.
"You shouldn't do that so much," Tweek says with a small smirk, turning to set down the popcorn on his nightstand.
"Why not~?" I tease, twisting around to face him.
"Cuz I might get a crush on you," Tweek says, playful sass colouring his tone.
"Why, are you gay?" I ask, mimicking his tone, a playful smirk growing on my lips. Tweek chuckles.
"I just don't think you'd be able to handle me." He challenges breezily.
"Bet," I smirk, standing to stare him down briefly, before hooking an arm around his waist and tugging him into a heated kiss.
"Do you have a crush on me yet?" I murmur, slightly out of breath, gazing into his eyes from under my lashes. Tweek gazes back with heavy-lidded, glazed eyes and bites his lip to stifle a chuckle.
"Do you want me to have a crush on you?" He asks, breathlessly seductive.
"If you've got the time to spare," I reply with an upward quirk of my lips, leaning in closer. Tweek chuckles, sliding his hands up from where they rested against my chest, to twist coyly into my hair.
"Oh, I think I can fit you in," Tweek giggles, shoving me against the wall before slamming his door shut.
I flip us around, against the newly closed door, lifting him so he can wrap his legs around me.
He giggles perversely as he locks all his limbs around me and sucks on my neck like some sort of incredibly sexy facehugger. My knees go weak and I stumble us towards the bed, collapsing onto the plush comforters that litter his mattress, outnumbering the pillows.
I crawl on top of him in his bed as he lays there impatiently, and slide my knee in between his thighs, pushing them apart slightly in order to lower myself between them. His eyelashes flutter as I gently lower myself onto him, lips parting as he gasps softly, gazing up at me longingly. I'm enraptured by those beautiful eyes, and I gaze back, my fingers gently tracing his soft cheek down to his lips as my heart rate spikes, and lungs strain to draw breath.
"Fuck." I gasp, letting myself collapse onto him and crushing him to me.
"What?" He breathes, his arms gently encircling my torso.
"I'm so painfully in love with you.." I mumble into his throat. My face feels like it's on fire. He chuckles breathlessly.
"Good," he murmurs breathless, his arms coiling tighter around me. I pull away slightly, bracing myself a little higher on my elbows. I kiss him. He sighs softly, half-lidded eyes gazing ardently up at me above his glowing pink cheeks.
I hook one of my legs out from between his thighs, twisting our legs together as I turn and lay down on my side, pulling him in snugly against me. He kisses the tip of my nose lightly, before tucking his own nose next to mine, and running his fingers soothingly through my hair.
"I love you, too, Craig." He whispers, snuggling in even closer.

[A/N: holy bALLZ I can't believe I actually finished a fic ╰(*'︶'*)╯
Glorious day. Momentous occasion. Im gonna eat a whole-ass cake (°▽°)
I hope y'all enjoyed, and want to stick around for more of my fics (*^ω^*)
I'm gonna be finishing S-creek-ret Admirer next, see you there (*^3^*)~♡ ]

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