Liquid Courage

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"Hey so, since it's so nice out, we should go hang out around starks pond." Tweek suggests, as we walk through the double doors that open into the parking lot. Involuntary images of us holding hands while frolicking through the woods around starks pond flash through my mind.
"Sure, we can do whatever." I say, forcing a casual smile.

It's quiet as we walk to starks pond, neither of us saying anything substantial. It's awkward, not gonna lie. He seems more awkward today too...
...What if he figured out I'm in love with him. What if he's taking me to starks pond to tell me he doesn't wanna be friends anymore against the backdrop of nice soothing scenery...
My heart pounds nervously, sinking into the pit of my stomach as a cold sweat prickles at the nape of my neck.
Tweek takes random foot paths, and I follow behind, as he erratically turns onto new ones as they come up. He takes one that is partially obscured by overgrowth, and shoves through it before stopping abruptly as the path ends in a steep drop into the water below. His head swivels side to side as he looks for another way, but we seem to be in a small little alcove in the dense bushes around us.
He turns around and chuckles awkwardly, pushing past me to go back the way we came.
"Are you trying to find somewhere in particular?" I ask as he steps past me. He turns back towards me.
"Uhm, n-no, just..." he falters. Frowning to himself before his eyes scan the opening behind me.
"Actually, wanna hang out here?" He asks, fidgeting nervously. I turn and cast my eyes around the small clearing once again. There's nothing really interesting about it. There's a big flat-looking rock next to where the path drops into the pond, and other than that, it's just dense foliage.
I guess there's kind of a nice view of the water, especially if you were to sit on the rock...
"Sure," I agree, the fear that he's going to tell me he doesn't wanna be friends anymore rearing up again. I squash it as we settle onto the rock, and it's actually a really nice view from where we sit.
The little clearing seems so intimate, the path disappearing into the bushes out of sight, it feels like a closed off private bubble. I swallow nervously, willing any lewd thoughts out of my mind.
"So, uhm, I got this..." Tweek laughs nervously. I turn to face him as he pulls out a bottle of the same shit he had in his pocket at Bebe's party.
The party where we made out for hours. Heat flares in multiple places at once, as recalling that night opens the floodgates to my carefully censored fantasies.
"...why..?" I manage to ask. I'm floored. Tweek wants to drink, to presumably get drunk, in the woods with me.
"...I liked it.. a-and uhh, Kenny said it's sad to drink alone, s-so since last time you were there, uhm, I figured it'd be fun with you..." he explains hurriedly, laughing awkwardly.
I feel like I'm on fire. Last time, we made out the whole time. Is that what he means he liked?!?? Jesus Christ. I can't take this. I stand up.
"O-oh, uh, I gotta take a piss, I'll be right back." I excuse myself quickly, taking the path out of the little clearing.
Holy. Fuck. Does this mean he wants to make out again??? Am I dreaming right now?? I pinch myself hard.
Ow, fuck.
Not dreaming. But WHAT?!?
Ok, just take a deep fucking breath. He only said he doesn't wanna drink alone, so that doesn't mean anything.
He liked being drunk.
I mean, he did get extremely confident when he was drunk, so that's obviously what he liked. And we're friends, and I was with him when he first got drunk, so obviously, it makes sense to ask me to drink with him. I run my hands through my hair. I just need to calm down.
This is just two friends drinking.
Kids do this shit all the time.
Just relax.
Just be cool.
It's fine. Just drink with your friend and have some laughs.

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