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"Tweek? What's up? Why're you here?" Kenny greets.
"I need your help." Tweek pants. Kenny cocks his head to the side.
"Whaddya need Tweekster?" He asks, curiously eyeing the disheveled boy on his doorstep.
"I need you to get me alcohol." Tweek says gravely. Kenny guffaws.
"That's it? No need to be so serious, Tweek. You need it now?"
"Alright, whaddya want?"
"What you put in my pocket at Bebe's party." Tweek says. Kenny chuckles.
"You like whiskey, Tweek?"
"Yeah. Sure." Tweek says, handing Kenny $20 dollars.
"Is this enough?"
"Yeah, for a pint."
"What you had at the party."
"Ok, perfect." Tweek says. Kenny gives him a look.
"So, whats this for~?" He asks.
"Nothing." Tweek says a little too quickly. Kenny hums thoughtfully.
"You just gonna drink it by yourself?" Kenny probes, a suspicion as to why Tweek wants it already forming in his mind. Tweek hesitates.
"Y-yeah, yeah. I just want it to have in case... just in case." Tweek says.
"Okay~" Kenny responds disbelievingly.

A/N: I wrote this when I first started this story and I just couldn't resist putting it in, even though it's all supposed to be from Craig's perspective 😝😝😝

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