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"GOOOOOOOD MORNING LOVEBIRDS!! How'd yah sleep?" Comes the voice of the third most annoying person on the planet, after Eric Cartman and my sister, shattering me from peaceful sleep into nauseous, hungover reality.
"Wooooow you guys look like shit~!" He says, unnecessarily loud. I shoot him a death glare, ready to growl some obscenities at him, but I'm catapulted back into memories of last night as Tweek groans his displeasure on my other side, rolling over and burying his head in his hood.
"Stop screaming at me," he whines, pulling his hoodie strings tight until only his nose pokes out of the small hole.
I'm suddenly sweating profusely.
I bolt upright in full panic mode, but my legs and head have other plans and topple me over onto the floor, head spinning sickeningly. I barely suppress the urge to heave the contents of my stomach into the floor.
My panic about the consequences of what Tweek and I did last night mixed with my hangover is seriously fucking me up.
"Woah there drunky, take it easy." Kenny says, as if soothing a spooked horse. He puts a water bottle on the floor in front of my face, and I hear a thump and a yelp as he administers a bottle via air to Tweek.
"Sooo what'd you guys do last night~?" Kenny sings, taking a seat on the mattress. I gulp dryly, straightening myself up and chugging the entire water bottle in one go.
"Stop screaming," Tweek whines again, from his fetal position on the mattress. Kenny chuckles.
"Tweek, drink this water, it'll help." He says uncapping the water bottle he'd tossed at Tweek earlier.
"Just leave me here to die." Comes the muffled reply. I try standing again, slower this time. Kenny watches me in amusement and I flip him off, making for the stairs.
I gotta get the fuck out of here before Tweek sits up and I have to look into those eyes that burn a hole straight through my very soul.
"Where ya goin Craiiig~?" Kenny sings, shifting his position to lounge casually on his side next to Tweek on the mattress. I flip him off again without looking.
"Take a piss." I spit out, relieved that my voice sounds pissed off as opposed to the full on panic I'm feeling.
Upstairs is a whole new world. The house is somehow spotless after a party like that, and the smell of eggs and bacon wafts through the air. There's cheerful sounding chatter and laughter coming from the kitchen, and I find myself drawn in that direction despite myself.
"Morning Craig," Bebe calls from the kitchen with a wave.
"Want some breakfast?" She offers cheerfully. Clyde pokes his head around the corner, grinning at me around a mouthful of pancake.
"I'm good." I say, yanking open the front door and nearly running out of her house.

My stomach growls painfully, and I roll onto my side groaning.
I should've had some breakfast.
I went straight home to sulk in my bed.
That was five hours ago.
I drop my arm across my eyes sighing. What the fuck.
Where do we even go from here?
...Does he even remember..?
These are only a few of the endless questions tormenting me since I left Bebe's. Not to mention the rampant fantasies that have tangible fuel now...
...I wanna touch him again.. and again, and again till he calls my name and tells me how in love with me he is... I bury my face in my pillow just as a loud moan escapes my throat, reaching guiltily for the tissues on my nightstand.
Tweek... what are you doing to me.

I sulk at dinner, shoveling food into my mouth as fast as I can to avoid having to talk about 'what's bothering me', but thankfully no one takes notice. Tricia's volleyball team had just returned from their trip to Denver, where they qualified for state championships, and she's chatting with mom and dad enthusiastically. Mom even baked a special desert which makes life suck just a fraction less right now. It's a great cover for my own issues, and I sneak out of the kitchen as Tricia runs through the play by play of her winning volley for at least the 5th time round.
I ungracefully drop my ass into my desk chair with a heavy sigh, firing up my computer to play a couple rounds of overwatch. My phone vibrates on my nightstand and I glance at it to see a screenful of missed calls and texts.
What the fuck?
I roll over to grab it. They're all from Kenny... the fuck does he want so urgently? I'm about to text back, when another call comes through.
"What do you want?"
"I wanna come over"
"Whyyyyy not?~"
I sigh. "I'm not in the mood."
"Ok. How do you feel?"
"What happened with Tweek?"
"...did he say something..?" Cold dread prickles at the back of my neck.
"No, he pretty much left as soon as you did. Seemed to me like both of you couldn't wait to get the fuck up out of there. So what happened?~"
I swallow dryly.
"Nothing," I lie. Badly. Kenny sighs.
"Oh Craig, Craig. You know I'm gonna find out, why not just save us both some time and tell me now.~"
"..." no words come out. I stare at my wall as if it could speak for me.
"Later." I manage to bark out. Kenny sighs again.
"I'm coming over tomorrow~" he states, and hangs up before I have a chance to protest. I drop my phone on my desk, letting my head slump backwards with a groan.
Fuck my ass.
I'm not even in the mood to get my mind off this anymore. I let my eyes roll over to my alarm clock.
9:10 pm.
Fuck it. It's late enough to sleep.

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