Chapter 1

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Jidwi walked aimlessly at the Hwarang house. Alone. As always. He sigh not knowing where t o go. Classes ends early today and none of his roommate can be found. It's not their fault anyways. Jidwi always kept to himself. He never the person who talks a lot, so why would anybody want to be with him. He continue walking towards the pond, it's located further away from where other hwarangs mingle around. He loves that place, it's peaceful and quiet. That's why not many people can find that place. It's quiet hidden. 

He breathe in the fresh air closing his eyes. He wishes nothing more to be this peaceful everyday in his life but that's too much for a faceless king like him to wish for. It's kinda hurtful how he's the king but he never once feel important to anyone. The only thing he learn is fear. Fear of people knowing his identity and getting killed. Fear of going to sleep because of the nightmares that occurs. 

His peaceful was startled by a noise coming from the bushes. His heart rate sped up. "Who's there?" He raise his voice. He gulp not receiving any answers. He looked around to see that he's still all alone and even if he screams for help, no one would hear him. It's not that he couldn't fight whoever that will attack him but anything could happen and with no any sort of weapon with him, luck probably won't be with him. 

He slowly walk towards the bushes only to stop on his track when an arrow flew out to his direction. With his reflex he manage to avoid the attack. His eyes widen seeing a man with a mask emerge from the bushes. "Don't people teach you hwarangs to not be so bold?" The guy chuckled making his way towards Jidwi. The king compose himself backing away. "Who are you?" He questioned keeping his eyes on the weapon. "The one who shoot the arrow. It's such a fortunate that you manage to missed it." The mask man replied. 

"What are you doing here? You're an assassin aren't you? Who sent you?" Jidwi ask still backing away as the man keep coming closer. "Too much question there. You are a young man aren't you? So curious about everything. You know how dangerous that is? It could just lead to your death." The mask man took his arrow and aim closely to Jidwi's heart. "Now, I might just let you live if you tell me where's the king." He spoke. Jidwi's eyes widen. "The king? How would I know?" He tried to play it cool despite being confuse to why the man think the faceless king is in Hwarang. 

The man pulled his bow string. "I know the king is here boy! But if you have no idea, then it's such a waste." He laugh and was about to pulled the bow only to fell down to his feet. Jidwi immediately kick his weapon away as the man kneel down and holding his legs. That's when Jidwi realize there were an arrow stuck on his leg. "Jidwi!" A voice call up. He looks up to see Hangsung running towards him. Sunwoo, Banryu, Yeo wool and Suho stood near the big caretaker that was holding the bow and arrow. 

He was busy looking at them he didn't realize the mask man taking out a knife and was about to lounge at him. "Jidwi! Look out!" Suho warned loudly and his gaze went back to the man, he manage to avoid the attack as another arrow was shoot by the caretaker but this time it went to the man's heart. The man fell backwards with a thud. 

Jidwi stare at the dead body gulping. Hangsung reached him with worried look. "Hyung! You're okay?" The young boy questioned. Jidwi only nod his head not knowing what to say. "Come on. let the masters settle this." Hangsung lead Jidwi away knowing the older is in shock. The rest of the group follow behind not saying anything. They went to the dorm sitting quietly. No one said a word. Master Wi Hwa emerge in their dorm with his assistant. The boys stood up greeting the old man. 

"I need to talk everyone in this room. Especially Jidwi." He spoke in all seriousness. They all nod understanding. The dorm door was closed as the caretaker guard in case anyone decided to eavesdropping. "What happen?" He ask directly towards the king. Jidwi gulp clearing his throat as all eyes were on him. "I was just taking a walk and standing by the pond. Until I heard noises from one of the bushes. When I went near it, an arrow flew out but it didn't hit me. Than this guy with a mask came out." He paused. "Did he say anything particular?" Master Wi Hwa questioned. "Umm. He wanted to know if the king is in hwarang." The young boy answered not looking at anyone's eyes. 

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