Chapter 19

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Banryu stood in silent as his the person whom he called Father tells him a plan. A plan that he definitely don't want to be a part with but of course his Father wouldn't care, he never does cares. "I don't think I can do this anymore." He finally spoke making the two older men in the room turn their attention towards him immediately. "What did you just say?" Park Young-shil keep his voice steady but Banryu knows he has dug his own grave. He ignore his adoptive father and kept his eyes on his real one. He has been doing as he told and keeping quiet all this time are because of his own father. They do not have anyone but each other and he knows his father has gone through a lot to keep their family rank.

As far as bowing to his supposedly adoptive father Park Young-shil. But right now he doesn't know if his father even knows what he got himself into, what he got them into. Banryu used to brush off any thought and go as he was told, as he father remind him everyday, if he wants a good life. He did felt like he has everything until he hit teenage years. He grew up hating his life instead. He grew up having his life being controlled. He suddenly have people telling him to do this and that. Threatening him and his father. What make his feel more hopeless, his father never even tries to put a stop on it. "Who are you doing this for?" He question keeping his eyes with his fathers. The older was in shock but compose himself. 

"Banryu, stop messing around. We need to get the plan on the go before anything else occur. We're almost there. Get to you senses." His father told him. "No! What are you trying to achieve by doing all this? I've never questioned anything before this because you're my father and the only man I look up to but as years went by, you are push around and begging just for? For us to keep our rank? You would kneel on your feet and be push around by someone, just so you could your damn rank? How low is that?" He scoff. "Yah! Shut up before .." Park Young-shil threatened but Banryu advert his eyes to him now, no fear in those young eyes anymore. It's full of hate and determination. "Or what? You'll hit me? or kill me? You think I even care anymore? I felt I haven't been living anyways. My life never felt like it was mine live. My own father won't fight for himself, I don't think he would for me either. And you're gonna say you'll make me the King? I would rather die! Because I will still be under your control! I will still remain your puppet!" His voice slowly rising at each words.

His father stood up immediately but stayed frozen once he sees a blade inch away from his son's neck. "Master Young-shil.." he stutter out. "You're getting to my nerve don't you know that?! You failed every task I gave you and now this! Maybe it was a mistake to send you to Hwarang. I can easily end your life here but I have much more important things to do. And who knows you might have a use for me soon. Guards! Lock him up!" He instruct and two guards approach quickly taking away Banryu who didn't even fight to get away, he only stares at his father with tears streaming down his face, somehow he still has hope his father would run to him and protect him but the older only look at him with sad eyes and looked away. Banryu knows now he had make the right decision to not help his adoptive father, or even his own father. He truly have no one now accept for the 5 boys.

"Where's Banryu hyung?" Hangsung whine for the third time. "Can you stop that?" Yeo Wool glared at him. "But it's been so long." The younger pout. "He's right. I mean this morning he said he was just gonna see his father for awhile. It's already towards the end of the day." Suho said worriedly. "Maybe the reunion went longer than it planned?" Yeo Wool said voice unsure. "Yah! Banryu hates his fathers. Especially Young-shil, why would he even stay there longer than he needed?" Suho counter back. "You seems to know everything." Yeo Wool scoff. "It's call common sense you idiot! Anyone who has Young-shil as a "father" would probably want to kill themselves." Suho retorted. "Can you just stop acting like dumbass for a minute?" Sunwoo who was just sitting by Jidwi side finally spoke up. 

The two turn to him with a glare but he roll his eyes. "Even Hangsung here could act properly on serious situations, but you two have to somehow end up in a stupid argument. We need to figure out if Banryu is not back because he got delayed or he isn't allowed to be back." He told them. "Why would he not be allowed to come back?" Suho quickly ask concern in his voice not even caring the fact he was called stupid and a dumbass. "Banryu has change lately. He has been avoiding meeting Young-shil in awhile now, but today he finally goes, what if he decided to fight back? And something happen to him?" Yeo Wool explain eyes furrowing. That caused the rest to feel even more concern.

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