Chapter 16

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Jidwi walk aimlessly as he kept his stare on his feet. He already left Pa Oh behind as the older man knows the young king needed his time alone. It's always like that after the meet up with his mother. Jidwi stop with a huff when he accidentally bump into something or someone. "You should seriously look at where you're going." The familiar voice said making Jidwi roll his eyes. He finally look up to see Sunwoo giving him a smug look. But that smug was gone when he saw Jidwi's sad eyes. He quickly drag the young king to a more secluded place. Once they reached the place, he stare at the other who were still keeping his gaze low. "Did something happen?" Sunwoo questioned voice full of concern. Jidwi only shook his head no but eyes still not meeting the other. 

"You're a terrible liar." Sunwoo let out a sigh and gently lift the young king's chin up and finally met with the Jidwi's lost looking eyes. "It's your mom isn't it?" He asked softly and that all it took for the young king's eyes to water. Sunwoo look at him sadly and pull him into a comforting hug. "I'm so emotional lately it's not funny." Jidwi tried to speak but come off a muffle when his face was push into Sunwoo's chest but the taller man could hear his words. "Did you cry in front of her?" He asked and the other shook his head no. "Have you ever cried in front of her?" He asked again. "Maybe when I was 7." Jidwi mumble. "Then you're not being sensitive. You're letting out what's been bottling inside of you. With everything that's been happening, I'll be surprise if you don't have break downs." Sunwoo rub his back soothingly. They stayed that way until Jidwi finally calm his emotions down and they stare at each other with a soft smile on each other's face.

Jidwi and Sunwoo walk side by side to their dorm. No one was speaking but it wasn't an awkward silent. "Isn't that Hangsung?" Jidwi questioned seeing the younger boy walk in a hurry to one of the dorm. It's been 2 days since the incident, the boy don't speak much and tried to act like nothing happened. The hyungs was of course worried but they know not to push scared Hangsung would shut them off. The two male followed the younger curious to why the boy looks so anxious. They stop on their track not to far away from the boy that was standing infront of his dorm but there were boxes and stuff in front of the door. Then one boy came out. "Here's your stuff." He said smugly. "But hyung, this is my dorm too. You can't just kick me out." The boy said sounding hopeless. "Yah. It's not like you even stay in this dorm a lot. You've been with that dog-bird group all the time, why? They don't welcome you there anymore?" The older boy look at him amused. 

"But it's still my dorm. You can't kick me out just like that. I could tell Master Wihwa about it." Hangsung tried to sound strong with his words but it sounded like a lost little boy. The other chuckle. "Then I could tell him that you sneaked out with those hyungs of yours." The boy walk closer at the shock looking Hangsung. "What are you talking about?" He stutter. "You think I don't know you sneak out of the palace at night?" The older smirk. "I have few of other friends of mine that could be a witness too. And if Banryu's trainee come forward too, Wi Hwa will definitely believe us." The boy end with a chuckle making the two that was watching the whole ordeal come forward and march towards the other two.

Sun Woo was the first to reached them and quickly come in front of Hangsung. "It's a little unfair isn't it for you to taunt someone way younger than you?" He towered the other who's smirk quickly disappear once he realize who were standing in front of him. He quickly bow to show respect. "Hyung. What are you doing here?" The boy stutter not even dare to look at the older's eyes. "Park Jihoon right?" Sunwoo ignore his question. The said boy only nod his head confirming the question. "If you ever threatened Hangsung ever again, I'll make sure you regret ever being born." Sun Woo scowl. "Don't you think that's a little harsh?" Jidwi cut in rolling his eyes at how the other handled the situations. 

Sunwoo only stay quiet at the remarks but kept his hard expression at the boy in front of him. "Hangsung can stay with us. But you and your so call friends won't get away with this. Threatening Hangsung with an information which you have no proof whatsoever won't convince Master Wi Hwa, it will just fires back to you for the fact you kicked out a roommate out of the dorm. And this.." He paused gesturing to Hangsung's stuff scattered in front of the room. "Not a good side and would immediately shuts all the defense your petty little might seem to come up with." Jidwi smirked and on cue an older voice interrupt their conversation. The boy's eyes widen staring at person behind Sunwoo. "What is this?" The old man question. Jidwi only smirked and pull Hangsung by the arm closer to him as the boy was just staring at his feet the whole time. "Master.." Park Jihoon tried to come up with any excuse he could think off but the old man cut his immediately with a hard stare. "Are you forcing your roommate out of his own dorm?" He questioned still keeping his stern voice. The boy only kept his mouth shut knowing there's no way he could make up. "It's just he's always with them, so I thought it would be best for him to just move with them. I mean there's no bad intentions in that right?" He said with the most innocent voice ever.

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