Chapter 15

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Jidwi POV

I sigh as I walk slowly not knowing where I'm heading, what I know is that I want to be alone and not planning to go back to the dorm. It sad every time after a meeting with my mom, it will leave me hopeless. She sometimes make me questions if I'm really her son or not. She's so cold and strict, I barely feel the caring mom that I use to imagine growing up. Why did I even agree to come here anyways? My train of thoughts was put on halt when someone grab my arms, in instinct, I was about to punch but I stop myself when I see a young boy smiling innocently at me. 

I let out another sigh and stare at the boy. "Yah, I could've hit your face. Why can't you call my name like normal person?" I said to him. "I was hyung but you just ignored me, so I just thought that you're too deep in your mind, if I don't stop you, you might end up falling in the pond." Hangsung replied with that cheeky smile. I shook my head and just let out a chuckle. "What do you want?" I started to walk but he still haven't let go of my arm and it's his habit that even Banryu won't questioned it anymore. "Why aren't you with the others?" He frown walking with me. "Why do you care so much when I'm not with them?" I asked giving him a funny look.

"Of course I care! You 5 are my hyungs, have to stick together. If one is lost then it won't be complete." He explains. "When did we even agree to become your hyungs?" I laugh a little. "You don't have to agree, the way you guys protects me is enough to let me know." He smile sincerely. In that moment, I realize, these boys are important to me. We've been through a lot together. I wouldn't want to imagine if one of them ever gets hurt because of me, because of my mother. I quickly shook that awful thought away before Hangsung notice. "I think we babied you too much." I ruffles his head. He quickly move away from me. "Yahh! Hyung, my hair!" He gaps and I just laugh at him.

I lay on my bed feeling exhausted. I didn't do much today but I somehow feel tired and my body needs resting. My eyes was about to close when someone barge in to the room, I advert my eyes at the person feeling annoyed. There stood Sunwoo giving me a sheepish smile. "You were about to fall asleep didn't you?" He asked making his way to his bed taking a seat looking at me. "Was about too. Why can't you people enter the dorm without having to break the damn door?" I questioned as I got up into a sitting position. "It's not our fault the door are to weak to handle." Sunwoo scoffed and I just roll my eyes at his answer. "What are you doing sleeping at this hour anyways? I know there's no classes going on but don't you always go for your sight seeing." He look at me weirdly. "I've been sight seeing this place countless time already, I think I'm done besides what's wrong with taking nap, we usually have to stay up late night for that stupid study sessions, so why not sleep now?" I said to him.

"You're making excuses again." He mumble. "What excuse?" I furrow my eyebrows confuse. "You're avoiding us aren't you?" He stare at me with hurtful expression. "Yah. You think I'm 12 years old? Why would I be avoiding you people? You guys didn't hurt me or anything." I told him and continue to lay down. "It feels like it." I heard him mumble again. I quickly got up in a sitting position. "Why are you suddenly so worked up with me not conversing with you?" I gave him a look which he avoided my eyes immediately. "What? Never!" He said a little louder and lay down on his bed facing away from me. 

I roll my eyes. "You're acting worst than Hangsung when hes's throwing his baby tantrum."I said still not taking my eyes away from him. He slowly got into a sitting position and finally look up at me. "The boys are just asking for you. They've been wondering if you're avoiding them like you used too. Even Banryu was asking about you." He told me. "And I too was wondering the same." He continue in a low voice. I didn't know what to say but he then quickly got up from his place and approach me. He sat down in front of me with a soft looking eyes staring at me. His hand then reached up to wipe under my eyes. 

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