Chapter 4

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The five Hwarangs scattered around their room with their sleeping clothes on and stuff piled up on the side waiting for the next instruction. Master We Hwa entered the room and they stood and greet the old man with respect. "Ahh. You're all ready and packed. Good." He smiles. Hangsung then appeared with a big smile on his face. "What are you doing here?" Suho questioned. "Probably to say farewell to his favorite hyungs." Yeo Wool smirk. "Hangsung here will join the five of you for this task. "But he's not our roomate." Banryu said confuse. "I told you his roommate don't really like him." Yeo Wool chuckled. 

"It's not because they don't like me but I requested to go with you the five of you." He pout and follow with a smile. "His roommates agree with the suggestion and I don't see why not." Master We Hwa give them a smile. They sigh out and nod having nothing to say. "Again, if any of you have any sort of reason as to why you can't complete this task may stand forward. I might considered the reasons and help what I can." The old man said and mainly focus on the young king who were just staring at nothing. 

Sunwoo steal a glance at Jidwi to see any chances he will step forward but instead he just stayed quiet. "Okay then." Master Wi Hwa gulp and look at them with a proud smile. "Get yourself ready with whatever is needed and you'll be leaving at 5 am sharp tomorrow." He finish talking and leaves the room. 

Paoh stare at the king with a ridiculous pout oh his face. "Why must you go for this mission? You have a choice not too." He whine. The young king only rolled his eyes. "Because I want too. And I'm a Hwarang here, just because of my background doesn't give me a special treatment. Besides it's great for new experience. To be with the nature." Jidwi stare at the distant. "Your majesty. I'll gladly take you out to be with the nature. This mission is not necessary. Not just because of who you are but also your condition. What if you get hurt?" Paoh is on the edge of breaking down in tears. The young king only stared at him like he was acting ridiculous. 

"Will you cut it out! I'll be fine

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"Will you cut it out! I'll be fine. I'm not going alone. And we're not going on hunting mission or anything. It's just 2 night out in the woods. I'll be back as soon as I can. Stop acting ridiculous!" He hissed at the older man. "How can you hope for me to calm down? I've spend my whole life keeping you safe and now you're going out there all alone and not protected. Who knows what will occur." Paoh cried out. "I'm not going to be all alone. And I don't need protection. No one knows who I am, so stop worrying and think the worse. I'll be fine." Jidwi tried to calm him down. 

Paoh only wipe his face and bite his lips. "Can't I come with you?" He spoke. Jidwi only close his eyes and shook his head. "No. You can't, the rules says no trainee is allowed to accompany the Hwarangs." He told Paoh and walk away seeing it's time for him to get ready for bed. "Your majesty!" Paoh half shout. Jidwi stop on his tracked and turn around. Paoh walk slowly towards the young man. He immediately engulf the boy in to a hug. "Stay safe Jinheung ahh." He whispered softly. Jidwi smiles sofly and let his protector who he always known as his only parent figure hold him. 

"Yahh! Where have you been?" Suho straight away bombarded Jidwi with questions when he close the dorm room. "Was just getting some fresh air?" The young king who was startled answered confuse. "You're crazy is it? You're not supposed to be wondering around all alone. Especially after the incident. Do you really want to die?" Suho keep talking trailing behind the other that was making his way towards his own bed. He manage to spare glance at the others who were also still awake and staring him. 

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