Chapter 22

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He duck and quickly make his way to the boys shielding away behind trees. ''Clear?'' Suho questioned. ''Yes. Only about 3 guards roaming around the area. We need to be careful though, I am sure the security is tight.'' The young king told them. They nod keeping their swords closely. Sunwoo then move forward as he sees it's clear, he then signal for the rest to follow suit - one by one. 

Jidwi make sure everyone goes first and finally the last person was about to make a move he quickly grab his arm. Looking at him worried and as if the boy can read his mind, he gave a assurance smile. ''Don't worry hyung, we'll be okay.'' The younger gave one final smile and move to his position in a hurry as Jidwi follow suit. They manage to run past the guards as the guards are mostly just probably their own town people that were threatened to be a part of the squad - meaning these people don't even want to be doing this but left no choice. 

As quickly as the can they climb up the castle easily at a more excluded area in which Jidwi has been using them when he need to sneak in and see him Mother. His heart ached just thinking about her. But he shakes the feeling away and continue with their mission. The moment Jidwi climb down in one of the bushes, he was pulled towards a direction, he panic at first until he realize it was just Sunwoo dragging him away. 

Then he realize 3 guards almost ran into him if Sunwoo didn't act fast. ''That was close.'' The other breathe out as he has Jidwi trap between his hand on one of the pillar. Jidwi look at him holding back a smile as he realized their position right now. Sunwoo on the opposite smirked at the young king. ''I kinda like this position, don't you?'' He teased in which Jidwi's eyes widen feeling embarrassed. ''Yo lovebirds. Come on!'' Suho whisper shout as they both turned to him and Sunwoo slowly move away from Jidwi. 

''They really be partying when people are losing lives because of them?'' Banryu hissed as his eyes focused on the crowd inside the castle. Laughter was heard as some light music instrument playing in the background. ''Come on.'' Sunwoo said as they swiftly make their way inside. The crowd were too engrossed in their conversations, food and drinks, and some are eve too drunk to even behave properly. The boys felt sick to their stomach. What are they celebrating? For Jidwi- Is it the death of his mother? He turn to look at Hangsung's glistening eyes- The death of Hangsung's family, to think of it he's the one left to continue his legacy. 

Then he turn towards Banryu and Suho, eyes full of hatred but they were sad, they were exhausted and worried - Banryu must still be worried on what's the fate of his father despite him not agreeing with the older (will his father have to pay the price for his actions?). Suho, he haven't met his father and sister once after the escape, no news whatsover, knowing how much his family are against Park Yong-shill - they must be in tight situations. 

His trains of thought got interrupted when he felt Sunwoo's hand holds his trembling ones. He turn towards the other and Sunwoo smile assuring at him - despite not able to see with the mask covering his face. As if that the other knows what's on his mind, what kind of turmoil he's going through. He squeeze Sunwoo's hand back grateful as how it comforts him in so many ways. 

''Okay, as we planned, don't try anything out of it, I know all of you want to avenge, save and help your family but right now our focus is to bring Yong-shill down. For as long as that bastard is standing tall we will suffer and so as your family, or worst die for nothing and in vain just like your loved ones.'' Sunwoo look at the boys one by one making it clear and straightforward. They nod their head without a word. 

They waited for a moment until the party slowed down and most of the officials passed out drunk or have left to their room. Hangsung turn to them as on queue Suho and Banryu made the first move as they were task to head into the other side of the palace building. Then followed by Hangsung with Yeo Wool stationed themselves at the celebration area and finally Jidwi and Sunwoo heading towards the main part of the castle where the Queen's room used to be which now is occupied with Park Yong-shill.

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