Chapter 14

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Jidwi POV

I yawn for the 10th time. I'm not even sure but I really just want to fall asleep. We're on our night study session and no one is aloud to speak to each other as we study anything we want. As long there's book in front of us, they wont care. I don't understand why they ever do this, everyone is basically forcing their eyes open and pretend to read and write something on their desk. We're allowed to sit in groups but one rule no noise. The caretaker kept an eye on us and he looks scary. "What time is it already? Is it almost over?" Suho whisper blinking his eyes rapidly trying to keep it open I guess. "Not yet. I think we have like 40 minutes more to go." Yeo Wool said and I could see how everyone on the table was swallowing their whine. "Yah. I feel like I've been here for 10 hours. I just want to get out of here. Yah Hangsung. Are you really that engrossed with the book? What are you reading anyways?" He turns to the young boy beside him. But Hangsung didn't answer him as he face was still buried inside the book.

Suho nudge him a little and that's when the book fell open and a clueless looking Hangsung look at us alarmed. "I wasn't sleeping." He quickly said but we shh him when the caretaker was looking at out table. After his attention was from us, Yeo Wool spoke up "I really thought you were reading. You were sleeping instead." He scoffed flipping the page of the book on his hand. I wanted to laugh because I've notice he's been flipping the same page for an hour now. "Why isn't it over yet? I thought I've slept long enough." Hangsung wipe his eyes. "Shut up. At least you get to sleep." Banryu hissed. Hangsung only smile sheepishly and kept quiet.

Finally the session is over. All 6 of us walk together out of the place. "I'm hungry. How about you guys?" Suho asked. "Same." We all told him. So, we decided to get some food at the canteen. "The only good thing about the night study session is that they opened the night canteen." Suho said and continue eating his food happily. We nod agreeing with him. "How's your leg?" Hangsung look at me. "It's getting now. I don't feel that much pain anymore and I could walk okay now." I answered him. It's been 2 weeks since the incident. Master Wi Hwa did questioned me what happen, he didn't even talk to me about the threats incident. Okay maybe he did try too but I just never gave him any answer, so he kinda give up. My mother did summoned be back to the castle but I ignore her request. It's not like she would come here and bring me there herself, keeping me a secret is much more important than making sure I am okay.

After we were done with our food, we head back to our dorm. Sunwoo was singing out of nowhere, Banryu was just shaking his head, Hangsung and Yeo Wool was just laughing. Me and Sunwoo walk at the back walking on the same pace. "It's a cold night." He clears his throat. "It's always been cold." I told him looking at the moon in the sky. "But the moon is beautiful tonight." I smile admiring it. "I think the moon looks the same every night too. The only differences is it's either round or it's half of round." he replied me making me laugh. "Half of round?" I ask him stiffing a laugh. He looks at me confuse. "You mean crescent moon?" I said shaking my head. "Yah. What's the different? It's half round looking moon for me." He give me a glare and walk a little faster. "Okay, sorry. Wait up." I chuckled trying to catch up with him. We just realize the boys was already ahead of us but when we walk a little closer to them, they weren't walking anymore. "What's going on now?" Sunwoo sighed out as we approach them.

"Move!" Banryu growl. That's when we saw his trainee was stood in front of them smirking. "You bunch of schoolboy finish night study already?" He questioned. "Why does it matter to you? Move out of the way." Banryu hissed at him. "It's so touching to see all of you always together lately. Protecting each other I'm guessing?" He said casually as he direct his eyes to me. "Can you just move out of the way? We don't want any trouble. You can continue your stupid taunting tomorrow. It's late." Suho spoke up pulling Banryu arm a little knowing he's about to lose his temper. "Stupid taunting? Why? You got scared is it? Scared can't sleep at night?" He chuckled still keeping his gaze at me. "Scared? Yah. You're so out of it. Just fucking move!" Banryu got closer to him.

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