Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is will hopefully be a non-cliche story. Due to the fact that I do not live in America, some of the facts may not be accurate. I still do not really understand how the education system works haha. So please excuse the errors. I've tried researching, obviously still quite confused.

A new beginning

Cara's POV

Well, I guess I have to just start a brand new life in the 'free country' AKA, America. my parents got a job offer, and the gladly accepted it. So basically, we're Aussies, yes, and entering a completely different territory. No idea what to expect and how to survive.

Sadly, we only missed the first two weeks of school.

I'm would be in Senior year while Jake would be in Junior.


"Hurry up shithead! We're going to be late!" I shouted at the top of my lungs from the garage. 

"Chill sis. First impressions remember? Don't you care enough to put in a little effort?" Jake asked.

I stared at him for a good minute before bursting into laughter.

"Bro, does it look like i care?" I asked between laughters.

"At least try..." He mumbled.

"Yeah sorry, that ain't going to happen," I replied. "Now hurry up, we only have 15 minutes to get our asses to this school thanks to your retarded self." I rolled me eyes at him.

"Good thing we have this bad boy here." He said, tapping on my motorbike.

I narrowed my eyes, pushing him to his own before hopping on.


You could hear a pin drop, literally. As we entered the school parking lot, the chattering stopped and all eyes turned to us. You could only hear the loud rumbles of our bikes. Wonderful.

"We're getting noticed sis!" Jake exclaimed through our intercom.

"Dude, I honestly don't care." I replied.

I could just sense a huge smile creeping onto Jake's face. Attention seeking bastard. I rolled my eyes.

"We might be the only ones who ride bikes in this school. isn't that just awesome?" He said.

"Ok." I said monotonously before laughing.

"You must be Cara and Jake Jonson! Welcome to Dallas High! How's America so far for you?" The principal chripped.

"Good. Still getting used to the environment and all." I shrugged.

"Excellent! I won't want to hold you guys back anymore. here are your locker numbers and combinations, a map of the school and the list of school rules." She continues.

"Thanks..." I replied awkwardly.

"If you need any help. do approach any of your fellow school mates. I'm sure they will be delighted to help you get comfortable in this school!" She exclaimed.

"Right. We'll be on our way..." Jake replied as we got our things and left the principal's office.

"Well she was way too cheerful for the morning..." i commented.

"You don't say sis." Jake said, rolling his eyes.

I really hope she isn't like my previous principal. She hated my guts. It was one time. One. Time. Ok, maybe I was my fault. Wait. Definitely my fault. I did set the chemistry lab on fire. And, insulted her in front of her face.

"See you after school." I told him.

"Go make some friends yeah? Girls, not boys." He said.

You see, I'm a bad girl and a tomboy. I can never interact with girls like how I do with boys. I mean, I just can't understand them.

"I'm older than you, you can't tell me what to do Jake." I said bluntly.

"Fine fine. See you later mate." He said, waving goodbye.

I turned a corner only to be greeted with papers flying everywhere.

"Crap, I'm sorry. I didnt see you there." I apologised to the girl, bending down to help her pick up the papers.

"No no, it's fine. I wasn't looking either." The girl said.

She looked up, only to give me a confused look.

"I've never seen you in school before..." She started out.

"Oh, I'm new. Name's Cara." I told her.

"Amanda. Nice to meet you." she said.

She eyed my biker gears for a while before, attempting to escape me.

"Hold on, could you help me find this locker number?" I stopped her.

"Wh- ummm sure?" She replied.

"Also, i might need a little help getting to class, i mean this school isn't huge, but yeah." I told her.

"What's your first class?" She asked.

"English. With this guy." I said, handing her my schedule.

"We have the same class." She said.

"Cool," I replied. "So, just a quick question, does this school have the social heiracy problem that's protrayed in every American high school movie?"

"Sort of. We have the jocks, bimbos, bad boys, geek, nerds and so on." She explained.

"Ahhhhh. This is going to be fun." I said.

"Just a quick advise. If you want to survive high school, don't get involved with any of the bad boys or bimbos." She quickly said.

"I'll keep that in mind. I don't want to be involved in any drama." That my friend, was a complete lie. I love drama. I'm a magnet to it.

But of course, there's a limit to how much I can handle.

I'll be updating this book once every two weeks, so do be patient and thank you for your support! :)


Dude, don't mess with the bad girl (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now