here's why

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Hi guys, it's Robyn here.

As you know the amount of activity on my account has demolished and there is a reason behind that.

One of my closest friends committed suicide....

I've known her for around 3 years and she suffered from a mental illness where she couldn't experience emotions and whatever she wanted she had to get.

She was bullied at school for not being human like and in the end commuted suicide.

Suicide is not a joke people, it's serious.

Someone dies every 7 minutes (apparently) and to take your own life away.... well it's heartbreaking.

I love you so much Marie R.I.P

R.I.P Marie Landford
31st October 2004 - 15th May 2017

I love you and I know you're always watching over me.

Goodbye my dear friend.

Signing off, Robyn...

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