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neptune ; XXX-XXX-514

ethereal ;  what's this

neptune ; my number. call it before i change my mind.

ethereal ;  okay see u soon blue. ALSO HAPPY 6 months of talking to my lame ass

*side note - the conversations happen daily. i want the story to move faster so use ur imagination or some shit*

neptune ; see you soon e


ethereal ;  blue?

— his voice was deep, but soft. it echoed and sent numbness through my spine.

neptune ; e?

ethereal ;  you sound beautiful blue

neptune ; this is weird

neptune ; i've never done shit like this before

ethereal ;  im still in shock. i can't believe i'm talking to you right now.

neptune ; fuck up e

ethereal ;  ok rude

neptune ; you sound sleepy, is it late where you are?

ethereal ;  yeah it's about 1

neptune ; it's 1 here too

ethereal ;  weird

neptune ; so how was pizza

neptune ; i'm sorry if i'm awkward i'm shy on calls

ethereal ;  hey it's okay baby

neptune ; the name is starting to grow on me e

ethereal ;  i'm glad it is blue

neptune ; so how was the pizza?

ethereal ;  it was good although it would've been better if you were there

neptune ; everything would be better if i was there

ethereal ;  you're not wrong about that

neptune ; i was kidding but thank you

ethereal ; blue?

neptune ; yeahhhh

ethereal ; do you understand how crazy you drive me

neptune ; *laughs* you're so cute it's annoying but it's adorable

ethereal ; see. the way you laugh, the way you smile, i can just see you blushing at your phone right now.

neptune ; well i'm not...

ethereal ; $10

neptune ; ok im broke i can't pay you

ethereal ; i constantly lie awake at night thinking about your eyes, your thighs, your the bottom of your back and how-

neptune ; ethan

ethereal ; yes

neptune ; i don't think now is the time for phone sex

ethereal ; noNONONONO i wasn't

neptune ; *laughs* it's cute that you think that but you should sleep instead of thinking about me

ethereal ; but you're the only thing that i ever think about

neptune ; you're the only thing i ever think about too
— i play his voice over and over in my mind, finding all the breaks and breaths he took. i didn't realise how much he's making me fall for him. one by one.

NEPTUNE | ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now