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the sun is gradually falling to where the sky is fading into complete darkness.

"her cabin is close around here i think," i say. ethan still has his hand holding mine, intertwining our fingers.

ever since i was a child, my aunty had this cabin in the forest where i would always spend my summers eating and breathing nature. it was nice, just me and my cousins making up silly games to consume our time. we'd come back at night to s'mores and sweets. i smile thinking about it now because i was so happy, what happened.

hopefully now, that i'm here with ethan and he makes me happy that i can maybe let loose a little.

i drag ethan slowly behind me, eager to show him the beauty of this cabin. i haven't been here for quite some time, although my aunty keeps it in tact every year, just so her grandchildren can grow up here too. think about it as homely and comfortable, like the cute homes you see in the movies. i absolutely adore this place and it's nice to share it with someone you care about, similar to ethan.

rustling through my bag to find the key, i eventually find it and open the door.

"ladies first," ethan giggles.

i follow his instructions and walk inside. memories flood my mind, it's all happy memories. pure nostalgia.

ethan drops his and my bag on the sofa right next to the unlit fireplace.

"oh ethan, the bedrooms are upstairs, i'll get us a drink and you can drop our things in the room? room is up the stairs down the hall and to the right, it has a huge skylight above the bed," i exclaim.

"oh so now we're sleeping in the same room now? not that i'm complaining," he shouts back, making his way up the stairs.

"ethan we slept together last night..."

"not like that but you know," i try to explain but he already knows, he's just playing with me.

i rummage through the fridge to find something to drink, soda is all i see so i pour a glass for the both of us and find ethan admiring the house.

"did you know my aunty used to help me stargaze, this used to be her room, but she said shes cleaned it for us coming here, she was an astrophysicist-" i ramble.

"blue, you're rambling, its adorable i know but relax," he wraps his arms around me softly turning me around.

he lets go of my touch and finds a stereo, the only technological advances in this home. he connects his music and he plays my playlist. i know this because he says that he turns it on when he misses me which is quite contradicting but it has all my favourite slow, mellow songs that calm me.

evergreen by broods begins to play and he takes my drink and places it on the bedside table. he takes my shoulders and i hold his neck, its so prominent against his adams apple.

i hum and softly sing," lay by me, wrapped in evergreen."

ethan just smiles at me and sways my hips. i just laugh,"i love not being able to sing its one of my many specialities."

"your voice is beautiful blue," he whispers.

i blush out of reaction and smile to myself.

"i can't wait to explore every inch of you. your mind, your body and your soul. all of it, you're so alluring, i can't believe i actually got you," he trails on.

i just rest my head against his chest.

NEPTUNE | ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now