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*a/n- song inspired for this chapter! waves by dean lewis*


e ; blue? are you okay?!

baby ; h-i-i baby

e ; please tell me you're okay please tell me

baby ; i'm fine ethan

e ; thank god, i was up all night thinking about you, waiting for someone to tell me if you were okay

baby ; aw i adore you, i'm fine ethan just a minor sprain on my back and fractured ankle i'm fine

e ; what

baby ; what

e ; that's not fine to me, you're falling to pieces

baby ; i'm not, if i was falling to pieces you would know

e ; i would be the first one there to cradle you. trust me on that. i wish this never happened.

baby ; ethan i just went out for a few drinks, i just drunk too much

e ; you could've really injured yourself

baby ; but i didn't?

e ; but you could've, very likely

baby ; don't assume things ethan

e ; i'm not i'm just looking out for you blue

baby ; i know but sometimes i need to breathe

e ; i am letting you breathe.

baby ; sometimes you don't

e ; do you need space? is that what you're telling me?

baby ; i didn't say that

e ; you implied it though

baby ; no ethan, you help me breathe but sometimes you don't need to inhale me.

e ; oh

baby ; ethan. you're my entire world, i just did some thing dumb and i'm very capable of being independent and looking after myself. i've always been like this. being by myself. all the time. that's until you came into my life.

e ; blue do you need space? just tell me directly i'm an honest person i need the same in return.

baby ; just a little.

e ; a little? like stop the calls? stop the comments? stop the facetime? just tell me blue

baby ; this is what i mean. i'm just asking you to relax.

e ; relax? okay

baby ; i'm sorry, i didn't mean for this to happen. everything is okay, just relax overall. you seem so tense all the time. please for me. this doesn't mean stop messaging me because i'm infatuated with you ethan. don't leave me, i'm just asking you to find a happy medium.

NEPTUNE | ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now