Chapter eight.

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Princey's POV

I was in the forest, next to the river. My favourite place. This very spot is where I've had the bests ideas for Thomas. Not only for his videos but his life in general.
Here I decided to let the world know us, make all of us partecipate in his videos and not only give him ideas and passion for them.
Well to be honest, I didn't plan on having Anxiety in those videos too but I'm glad he decided to join us in the fun.

I was sitting there, writing some things down, imagining the perfect love story for Thomas when suddenly I could feel cold, hard floor underneath my butt. The sun was gone and instead there was artificial lightening and I was facing a white wall.
I've been summoned. I got up.
"What is up Thomas?"
I turned around to see our host standing there with a really worried face.

"Something's wrong with Patton." He said making me follow him to the kitchen.

"What do you mean?"  I asked.

"I was feeling down so I decided to go for a walk and I saw a dog and... I didn't want to pet it?" He paused to look at me. "So I got worried about Morality, I came back home and summoned him and he was like.. well like this." And he pointed Morality who was sitting on the floor next to the oven. "He doesn't want to move." Thomas sighed.

"Mor? Mor what's going on?" I went close to him. "Is everything okay?" I could hear Morality repeat under his breath "oh boy, what have I done." I touched his shoulder to make him look up at me. He did. He had tears on his eyes and seemed concerned.

"I screw it up, Roman." I gasped. "I told Logic."
I wanted to be happy but obviously didn't go well as we all expected. Oh my God. Poor Morality.
I sat down next to him.

"What exactly happened?"

"He was blathering about something and he was just so cute and I couldn't help myself. I didn't mean to, Prince. I wasn't ready. But now he knows and he hates me!!" He started crying. I put an arm around his shoulders and let him cry in my chest trying to ignore the fact that my shirt was going to be all wet afterwards.

"I really don't think he hates you, Mor." I tried to reassure him. "What did he say?"

"H-he s-said. He ask-ked me an-an explanation and.. and then he.. he l-left." He said sobbing. That's not good. Can Logan possibly be upset about this?!

"Did he look.. upset?" I asked. It took Morality a couple of minutes to calm himself down and answer.

"I-I don't know. He.. he looked confused at the beginning and.. scared." He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes with both hands. We call him dad but right now he looks like a little kid and it was just breaking my heart.

Then I realised. It's Logic we're talking about. The guy that was making a list of pros and cons of feelings. "Morality. I think Logic was just scared. We all know he doesn't know how to deal with emotions and you.. well, you are you. Maybe he needs just a little time to think and understand his own feelings." He looked at me and nodded.

"Maybe you are right. Thank you Roman. I'm sorry about your clothes."

"Nah, it's fine. Are you going to be alright?" He nodded again. We then remembered Thomas was right there with us. We both turned around to see him and he just looked... confused.
"Maybe we should tell him." I whispered to Morality.

"I think we should. I'll do it." He got up. "Thomas, kiddo, I need you to come with me." He took Thomas' hand before the other could even reply and led him to the couch. He sat down and looked at Thomas waiting for him to do the same.
Thomas sat down.
"So. As you know son-"
"Not your son." Thomas instantly replied.
"People sometimes appreciate the company of other people. It can be as in friendship or romance." He said looking at me as he said my name. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. What I really appreciated about Morality is that he could always smile again, so fast.
"And sometimes these people can have strong not so common feelings towards another person-"

"Morality. I know how love works." Thomas sighed. "Just tell me. Are you and Roman...?"

"What? No!" I replied. "Morality just tell him."

Morality laughed. "As much as I think Roman is handsome, no, Thomas. I do not have romantic feelings for him. I love Logan." He whispered the last sentence and then sighed. "Unfortunately he does not feel the same way."

"We don't know that yet." I corrected him.

"We are almost sure of it."

Thomas looked even more confused than before if possible. "So," he started. "You, my morality and emotional side.. are in love with my logical side?" He smiled. "That's funny. I hope you are wrong about Logic. I hope he likes you back and you can be happy together." Thomas smiled and hugged Morality. "But I'm not your son."

I smiled and saw Morality do the same.
"We should go." Patton said.

"Yes. We should." I replied.

"And Thomas you should have dinner."
Before Thomas could reply. "And no. You can not have pizza for dinner. Cook something!"
Thomas sighed.

"Fine, fine." He rolled his eyes.

"Good boy. Make your pa proud." And before Thomas could say again that he was not his son Morality left. I laughed.

"Goodnight, Thomas!"

"Goodnight, Princey."

It took me sooooo long to get this chapter done but I did it!
Hope you like it, loves
Peace out ✌️

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