Chapter 19

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Third POV

After spending the evening with Roman, watching movies and debating about wether Thomas should or shouldn't go to that party, they were just laying on Anxiety's bed, they were used to it. Even though everyone thought the two could not stand the prescence of ranch other they were actually pretty good friends; of course they didn't call each other that but the two personalities enjoyed very much spending time together.

"All I'm saying" Princey continued. "Thomas could meet his soulmate! We can't risk that only because you think he isn't ready." The subject now was an audition. Prince wanted him to go, Anxiety wasn't so sure.

"Just because it happened once, Prince, doesn't mean it will happen every time." Anxiety answered. "Besides, he hasn't had the time to rehearse enough. He isn't ready, so many things could go wrong."

Princey opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by someone knocking at the door.

"You go, I don't feel like getting up."

"You are so lazy." Roman complained while getting up. He walked towards the door and opened it.

Patton was standing there, surprised to be greeted by the prince. Well, not too surprised, it had happened before. They really spend a lot of time together.

Princey moved to allow Morality into the room.

"Hey Anxiety..." Patton's voice trembled. He was so nervous.

Anxiety quickly got up, hearing dad's voice all of a sudden made him, of course, anxious.

"I'll leave you two alone." Roman said and left the room immediately. The situation was awkard enough without him beign there.

"Uh... please sit." Anxiety was the first to talk. Patton sat next to him and took a big breath.

"Virgil I-"

"Don't Pat, I'm not mad at you. I was a bit mad at Logan and relly mad at Princey but that's okay. I'm not anymore, you have nothing to worry about." He said these words calmly and slowly. They were true, he wasn't angry anymore, maybe a bit sad, but not angry. Specially not at Morality.

"It's not ok and I do worry. Virgil I was wrong judging you and pushing you away. You tried talking to me but I was hurting too much. I acted selfishly and I'm sorry." Patton looked down, clearly saddened at the thought of hurting Anxiety. "You know I love you. You are my sweet dark son and ignoring you like that wasn't right, or something I'd normally do!"

This was true, that last week in the mind palace was really weird. With the four main personalities fighting or being upset everything felt wrong. The oddest thing was Patton not being cheerful or making dad jokes. Everyone missed them, even Logan.

"I- uuh- I-" Virgil tried to finish that sentence but felt uncomfortable.

"I know, I know." Morality smiled at him, making Anxiety feel better immediately. "Are we good? Are you sure? I can share my puppies with you if that'd make you feel better!" He said cheerfully.

"Your what now!?" Virigil widened his eyes. "You. did. not." He was indeed shocked but couldn't help to find both funny and adorable Patton's disregard for the rules. The funniest thing is that he didn't even try to break them and no one person would ever dream to tell him that he did something wrong.

Patton clapped his hands happily. i'll show them to you later. Don't tell Logan yet, I haven't."

"He's so gonna freak out." Anxiety chuckled. After a few moments of silence. "Thank you for apologising, it means a lot. And I hope you and Logan are really happy, as much as you can be with that nerd." and gave his best smile to Morality.

"Don't even mention it kiddo." Patton went for a hug which wasn't really Anxiety's thing so he just stood there, awkardly letting Morality hold him.

And just like that they were all friends again, Morality proposed to have dinner together, Anxiety refused saying he already ate but said he could keep them company.

They left Anxiety's room and met Princey and Logan outside. Logan glared at Virgil who smiled to reassure him. Logic smiled back, glad everything could go back to normality with the only pleasent add of his boyfriend.

It is two years later and I can't believe I'm posting this.
I actually opened this account by accident but I can not believe this actually has 14k reads... like what the hell? I think the last time I checked it had like 4k so thank you for reading!
This draft has been here all alone for two years and well if someone is still interested I'd consider finishing the story, although I don't quite remember what I had in mind but I can always improvise. Let me know and thank you again!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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