Chapter seven

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Logic's POV

"I don't know, I was thinking on having some yogurt with strawberries and blackberries, Prince have told me it's great. But before I was craving cereal, only that I finished mine two days ago and yours and Prince's are not my favourites. That leaves me with Anxiety's who is more likely to murder whoever touches his food. So I'm struggling to decid.."

I froze.

What did he just say?

"I'm sorry?" Did I hear well? He's lost in his thoughts maybe he was just thinking but, why would he.
I didn't know how to react. I stared at him for a while waiting for his explanation.

He froze.

"Logic I.." He looked at me in the eyes, maybe looking for an answer. I couldn't give him that. I was confused. I didn't know what to think.

"Explanation, please." I asked. I wasn't even hungry anymore.
He didn't say a word. "Morality what do you mean when you say that you... what do you mean?"
Maybe it was a stupid question. The meaning of his statement was pretty clear.
Still I needed an explanation.

He took a deep breath. "I mean it Logan. Exactly what it's meant to mean. I love you and I've been thinking about a way to tell you for a long time." He stopped to breathe. "I didn't want to do it but then Princey and Anxiety convinced me to and-"

"Wait. They knew?" Maybe not the thing to focus about but whatever. They knew and didn't tell me?

"Y-yes. I asked them for advice." He looked scared. Why does he look scared. I should be the one scared. I am scared. What am I suppose to tell him. How does one behave in this kind of situations.

"I-I have to go." Was everything my mind could come up with. I left the kitchen as fast as I could without even looking at him. How could I.
I didn't know how to handle other's feelings. What was he expecting from me?
What Morality did was really selfish. He knows I need preparation for these situations.
As soon as I was in my room I sat down in front of my desk.
I opened my laptop.
I saw my work. A page full of pros and cons of love.
I'm not stupid. I knew something was up with me. I just needed more data.

Princey almost caught me while I was working on this. I didn't want him to have the wrong idea.
I analysed my list. There a lot of good things about love but there are even more disadvantages about it.
I sighed and closed the laptop. I had to take a break so that I could analyse everything more clearly. I sat down on my bed. I could read maybe, or maybe not. I can't focus. Watch some tv?
Not my favourite thing, also the big tv I like is in the control room and if I go out I could jump onto Morality and I'm not ready. What could I possibly tell him?
I sighed.

Maybe I'll just take a nap.


I'm just going to say, get ready for drama because that's what you'll have in a couple of chapters

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