Chapter Eighteen

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Princey's POV

I was in the kitchen eating some salad when I almost chocked at the view of Logan and Patton coming, their hands together, smiling so much it looked weird. Even for Morality.
They walked in and didn't even notice me, they wouldn't stop looking at each other and whispering stuff. I never thought I'd  see Logan like this.
"Uh hello?" I called their attention and they both turned immediately around, blushing instantly.

"Oh Princey, I did not see you there." Logic was the first one to talk, he was clearly way more embarrassed than Morality, who just stared at his-probably- new boyfriend smiling.

"Obviously. So this finally happened huh?" I smirked. "How?"
I was excited for both of them but specially for Mor, I knew how much he has been dreaming about this day.

Morality spoke up while giggling. "He declared his undying love for me." His - apparently- new boyfriend rolled his eyes.
I'm glad Logan finally decided to talk to Morality. He deserved it, after all Logic put him through,. He even beat me, I was supposed to talk to Patton first but I didn't, obviously.

"It's nice to see the two of you so happy, I always knew you were meant for each other." I smiled.
Then another thing came into my mind. Someone else was missing all the happiness.
"So Mor... you know the deal with, uhm, Anxiety?" I bit my bottom lip, still feeling guilty about punching him, however I hadn't apologised yet. I was an awful person.

He nodded. "I know it was all a big misunderstanding. I owe Virgil an apology as well." He looked saddened at the thought.
Maybe I should have let Anxiety explain himself, maybe if I had listened to him all of this wouldn't have happened.

I shook my head trying to shake those thoughts away.
"I-I guess I'll leave you two to your... you know kissing thing." I winked at them and left the room.
Although I was happy for the new couple I couldn't stop thinking about Virgil, about our fight and how he, in the end, didn't even repeat that it wasn't his fault. He gave up and let me blame him.
If it wasn't his fault then that means that I'm a big jerk who punched him for something he didn't do.
I punched my friend for something he didn't do.
Damn it.

I spent the whole afternoon thinking about what Logan said that day we spoke and now Patton.
I knew I had to apologise, I just didn't know how. Everything I thought of seemed not right enough.

"Maybe I should just say it, I should just go and apologise. No big words, no big deal. Right?" I rambled to myself. But I knew it wasn't going to be that easy.
I liked Anxiety and the thought of hurting him made me feel sick, the thought of hurting anyone was unbearable.
I sighed scratching my head.

I went to the kitchen, to make grilled cheese sandwiches, Anxiety's favourites. I thought maybe giving him something would make things easier.
I wasn't the best cook but I did my best.
I took a bed tray and put the plates there, accompanied by a couple of coke cans and ice cream, just because I was too nervous he would close the door on my face, which I'd understand if he did, but no one says never no to ice cream, right?

I carefully walked to his room, passing by Morality's one and hearing giggling. I smiled once again at their happiness, feeling a bit jealous and yet happy for them.
Once there I tried to knock but my hands were full, so instead I called:

"Knock knock!" I tried to sound as joyfully as possible but my eyes filled with anxiety betrayed me. "Virgil?" I asked once again.
Still no response.
"Listen I know I was jerk, I am a jerk, please open up so we can talk about how much of a jerk I am?"
I waited for a couple of seconds, trying to hear what was going on at the other side of the door.
"Come on! I brought food!" And nothing. "I even got ice cream."
Only then I heard movement inside the room. A spark of hope filled his guts.
I watched the door being opened slowly and carefully and Anxiety's head pop out to check if, in fact, I brought food.
Once he saw it, he finally opened the wooden door completely.

"You are still a jerk. And I'm not sharing the ice cream." He mumbled letting me in and provoking a chuckle to come out of my mouth.

"You got it." I answered, glad that my plan was working.
Once inside though I did not know how to proceed.
After putting the food down, on the desk, and turning around to face my friend an awkward silence filled the room. It was clear that not me nor Anxiety knew how to start.
It was also obvious that Anxiety'd rather be anywhere else than in his room, with me in that moment.

I started biting my lips. In my mind hundreds of possibilities showed and disappeared, none seemed good enough. What could be good enough when you punched your friend?

"So?" Anxiety asked, he was nervously playing with his nails.


I sat down on the bed and covered my face with the palms of my hands.
"I'm so sorry. I am, you have to believe me. I was stupid and not thinking right and I hurt you and I hate myself for it.
You know I couldn't ever hurt you on purpose, just for the fun of it. You are one of my best friends and I love you."

Virgil's eyes almost popped out of his head at those last words. Even though Princey was always showing his feelings he had never actually said those words to him, personally.

"Uh... I..." Anxiety frowned not knowing what to say. "I don't know."

It was my turn to frown. "You... you don't know? What does that mean?"

"You literally punched me." He said walking up and down the room. "You made me feel guilty about something I didn't do!"
I didn't answer, I didn't have any explanation or an excuse.

"All I can say is that I feel terrible and I'm sorry and I know you must be really upset and I don't blame you, but just know that I know what I did was wrong.
You should also know that Logan and Patton are a thing now."
His eyes opened wide. I nodded.
"I know, I was shocked too, but luckily those two finally talked and managed to say how they feel about each other."
I smile, a weak uncertain smile, I still wasn't sure how to act in front of him. He hadn't forgiven me, yet.

"I'm glad they worked things out. They deserve to be happy." He quickly answered, in a weird tone.
After a brief moment of silence he spoke again.
"Thank you." I stared at him, confused. What was he thanking me for? He then explained.
"Thank you for apologising."

"You.. you don't have to thank me!" I exclaimed.
He shook his head.

"Yes I do." He stared at his feet, clearly uncomfortable. "I know apologising can be hard." He mumbled.

"It isn't when you are apologising to the right person for something you are aware you did wrong!"
Many times Anxiety would just say stuff like that, I didn't understand his being so apologetic for everything, or being so self conscious about what other people did.

He didn't answer, he simply shrugged.
"Wanna eat something?"
It actually bothered me a little that he would just change the subject like that. I wanted to talk about all the things going on in his mind, because even if we're not that close I know him and I know how he run away from subjects he doesn't feel comfortable with.
As much as I wanted to make him talk, I only nodded sitting next to him on his bed.
Forcing him to talk about how he feels is almost as bad as punching him, as I said: I know him.

We ate in silence for a while, it wasn't an embarrassing silence though. It was the pleasant kind of silence. The one you have when you are comfortable with someone else's presence.
After our grilled cheese was eaten we started talking about nothing in particular, just like every other day and for a minute it seemed to be one.
He had forgiven me.

I mean people, I'm not gonna apologise for the delay anymore, if you are still here that's completely on you.
Jk love you all thanks

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