1. Birds in the sky

201 19 7


I closed my eyes; spread my arms open, feeling the strong breeze pass over me. This place, for me, it's hmmm... some what a little bit creepy but uhhhmm I think I'm going to love it. I love nature and weird new things. Well, I just have to get ready to accept whatever comes to me. It's for our own good. Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone and a change of scenery if you are sick of seeing the same environment every day.

I feel like I am still in my childhood days where mom and dad are living together. If only she chose us than her job in her province, we could have lived completely. Dad might have been a faithful husband to her.


This will be an escape for me to forget what happened two nights ago. 'Argh!' How can I even forget that?! It was my first kiss and it was close to losing my virginity!

There were fading marks of hickey on my neck which made my parents very upset and what made them felt worse was when they found out my failed results in one of my subjects. They decided to bring me and my little brother with them in this vacation which was supposed to be their couple getaway.

How did it happened?

A week after the end of the second semester in college, the results of our academics was released. I was devastated with my two failures and Abby failed too that she insisted to attend a college party which I didn't approve. Though I am not a bossy friend but because I am the only one she have in her life I volunteered to go with her so I can be sure that she's safe.

That night there's a lot of alcohol involved. I used to drink alone in my room so I'm not new to it. I always made sure to see if what she's drinking is fine and later on she met a bunch of new friends which I let her to join and left me to drink alone in a counter.

Later on after tasting different drinks, someone approached me, it was my classmate who talked to me like we're very close. One time I was surprised and told myself that he's stalking my Facebook account basing on a slip of his tongue where he mentioned about one of my pictures but we're not even friends there. He realized it too and shuts his mouth. I only see him in one of my subjects because he's not with the same course that I am taking. He's under business management while I'm under engineering course.

He's very talkative and approachable that I often misunderstood that he has a crush on me

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He's very talkative and approachable that I often misunderstood that he has a crush on me. The sweet smile from his face always brighten up my day but knowing he shared thesame face to others made me stop myself from growing my feelings towards him.

"I knew you're a party goer. Judging from your face and your fashion, you're a liberated one." He puts two cups of beer on the counter which I refused to drink. "Wow, you're being a cautious lady!" He started to make fun of me but I immediately stopped him.

"Shut up! Throw that thing on the trash and taste what I always drink!" I ordered ten shots of tequila with lime and salt and showed him how to drink it.

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