7. The Drug's in Her Veins

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"Brazen, where are you?!" I looked around searching for her. Gladly I shot that bastard's head before he touched my Brazen again.

"Haaah!" Suddenly, someone soft tightly hugged me on my back. I released myself quickly and looked who it was.

"Brazen, thank God I found you!" I hug her tight. The wind blew her disheveled long brown tied hair. I can smell her everything and it is intoxicating. "Are you scared?" I looked at her face. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

 She looked at me with tears in her eyes

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"Where have you been? You're late." She hit my chest jokingly.

"Come on, let's find them." We walked and found our companions; uncle Nick and Sovran. "I found some victims half kilometer from here. They're villagers, all are women, drugged, naked, tied, and violated. Let's surrender them to the police."

I guided them where I found those four women. When we reached the spot, they saw the dead guy I killed.

"Do you think there are only six of them?" Nick asked me while we put off the fire with water. Smoke begins to emit on air and Brazen coughs with watery eyes.

"That's why we have to move fast." I grabbed the two unconscious girls and held their arms. Each of my companions assisted one girl.

We reached the long way track towards our jeep and went to the nearest station. The police asked us many things and set us free.

"Brazen, are you alright?" I pulled her shoulders to face me

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"Brazen, are you alright?" I pulled her shoulders to face me. I have been observing her for long. The drug is already working on her. I asked the police for an antidote but they don't have anything.

"The only way is to let her do what she wants. She's your girlfriend right?" The officer asked me and observed Brazen who's leaning her sleepy head on my chest. I let her sit down on a chair and use a cardboard to cool her down.

I didn't answer him. I just looked away and wiped the sweat on my forehead. Is this how it feels to be her special person? To be her one and only guy who protects her and care for her?

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