55. Fragments

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(the song is about two strangers sharing a romantic and love affair. The singer hopes that though strangers, can be lovers for the rest of their lives.))

Last week of May 2019, I saw the final results of the semester where I have failed on two subjects. It was a devastating night because I knew I have done everything that I can but now it only paid me a failing grade. This time, I have drunk harder than I can hold. Since the time I thought that Scion might have been sneaking in my room everytime I drunk, I became alcoholic.

The level of my threshold became higher when I felt that he no longer comes. There's no more signs of his presence which only heightens up my alcoholism.

My parents never knew about it until my mom checked in my room and saw the bottles so I found a way on hiding it.

"Mmm... This vodka is flavored with green apple that's why it tasted so good. Drinking alone, talking to myself and imagining about my dreams is better than remembering how I lost all of those shitty people who I trusted." My vision was spinning and I still stood up and walked silently out of the house while holding two bottles of vodka.

'What am I doing? Where am I going?' My head was asking but my body continued walking with unknown direction. I walked while swaying on the streets, brave enough to not even think that nothing in this world was safe. The night was a bit warm and the streetlights were still bright. I crossed the streets and I heard the loud engines and horns blowing but I ignored it. I walked and walked until I got farther wandering wherever my feet could go.

"Hi sweetie, want a ride?" I heard a man with a bunch of voices around but I just passed through them.

"Hi there, sexy!" Another group of pervert saw me but I just raised my middle finger and the noises has mixed.

"Where am I going? Well, I don't know. My life is ruined anyway." I giggled while my tears roll down on my cheeks and my vision was getting more blurry. My lips were swollen with the mixture of bitter and salty.

"Brazen, where are you going?" I heard a familiar low voice and I felt his presence beside me while I continued to walk and trying to remember who he was. Far from what I remember, it was a long time since I last heard him. The sound of a bouncing ball reached my ears but I still ignored it.

 The sound of a bouncing ball reached my ears but I still ignored it

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"I don't know either. Ask my body because it is what's in control of me." I bitterly laughed after I answered him without even taking a glance. 'I don't care who it was, an acquaintance or not, I don't give a damn.'

"Hey, your'e holding a vodka!" He sounds surprised and still followed me which irritated me but in reality, I need someone's comfort just for tonight. "Listen!" I was grabbed on my shoulders being forced to stop from walking and face him. It was a six foot or taller guy wearing a black Spandex muscle tee shirt with gray cotton jacket, a black sports short pants paired with half leg length black socks and a pair of the latest Jordan running shoes. His one foot was stepping on his ball. "How many bottles did you drunk?"

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