8. Sovran Ardent

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They called me Nerd, Mr. Good, Mr. Nice, Mr. Right, Mr. Poison, Sweetheart, and whatever names they wanted to call me. I grew up in a family the same as Scion Lush. We have a lot in common. We're both brilliant in school including likes and dislikes. We're destined to be best of friends. We're inseparable like twins. He always calls me his twin brother.

But now, everything's coming deep. We have eyed on a single woman. And I know I'm going to lose her. Scion is a good man. I know she'll be safe in his hand that is why I'll just stop this feeling growing inside my heart. Maybe someday I'm going to meet the right one for me.


When I was a kid, I used to explore and experiment with things. I nearly put the kitchen on fire when the maid left me to take the groceries. My dad nearly killed me when I painted his red car in white paint that I found in the garage. I thought he's going to be happy that I designed it with small cars of different colors.

"My car isn't a piece of paper!" I can still remember those words while he stomped his foot and slapped his forehead. He sold the car after that.

Mom works as a businesswoman and sells pastries and salads in her big supermarket with seven branches. One day, a friend of her brought a box of cake. They left it open so I worked my skills as an imaginary chef. I sprinkled some salt on it and hoping they'll like a salted cake. I sprinkled two more spoons equally with my fingers like how our cook sprinkled it on a pan of vegetables. This will be weird but I'm just trying something new. When it was served, they went in and out of the bathroom. Mom stares at me and went to the kitchen only to find out the baking soda on the table. She shook her head and banned me from entering the kitchen.

I did everything to impress them. What a child needs is love and attention. But they couldn't even sit and talk with me. Yes, I understand the house is too big and I'm just like a dot that is hard to see. They couldn't even look me in the eye. I did my best to get the highest place a child can do. I gave them my medals, trophies, gifts and I even cooked delicious foods for them but they just hold it and place it back on the table. They're always talking through their phones and reading papers. I just put my things inside my room and talked to my pillow. When I met Scion, I had the chance to be a happy kid. I slept in his room because we're just the same. Nobody cares wherever we want to sleep.

At freshmen year, I met a lady who changed my life

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At freshmen year, I met a lady who changed my life. I never told Scion about Judith. She was a nerd and a girl you want to introduce to your family. We kept our romance to each other. I let her in my room every night talking about school, family and other stuff. Our love isn't a sexual thing. There's no kissing or touching. She's so beautiful that I wanted to cuddle her face and lock her on my chest.

Though we're both a bit of old-fashioned, we wanted it to be how we are. There's no problem with how we look because our school was secured about bullying. Things are always the same. She's always there in my room, studying with me because I teach her a lot. Everybody knows I'm the most brilliant kid in school. I can even compete with college students with a lot of things like physics, chemistry, calculus, science, arts, geology, hydrology and others. She said she's the only and luckiest person whom I can teach.

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