34. Endless Night of Suffering

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It is six o'clock in the evening. I followed the direction of the helicopter until it stopped. It could be far to walk but I still managed to reach there by running until I finally saw the picture of where it was.

The garden of the farmers was ruined but it's the only way where it could land.

"Hello, Mara? I think you have to prepare yourself now. You have to walk with Greta. Right now! The helicopters have landed already. There are almost fifteen people from the two helicopters. Start walking from now. My location is to the east of the exit door. Trust no one wearing a dark suit. Manage to hide yourselves while you can. Sorry, my eyes could hardly recognize them." I put down the phone after talking to her.

I tightened my eyes. The only way to know who they are is to wear a villager's clothes.

"Knock knock!"

I knocked hard on a small hut. No one opened it but I knew someone's in there.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled before kicking the door open.



The inhabitants; a family of a couple and three children, screamed in fear as they gathered in one corner.

"Can I borrow your dress, please?" I looked at the eldest daughter in the eyes and waited for her answer. No one moved because of fear. The youngest; a ten-year-old boy, peed on his pants and I felt sorry for what I did. "I'm sorry. This is the only way so I can save your island."

They all looked at me in surprise. I handed them three paper bills before going to their cabinet and rummage on their clothes trying to find the nicest dress I can use.

I wear it in front of them because inside of that thin strapped, faded and old-fashioned dress hides a cycling with a pair of holsters of thin flying daggers and gun. My upper body will be seen as a glory while my lower part is hell. I couldn't defeat them but at least I tried to get there closer so I know if it was our men or not.

The villagers are not savage. They wear shoes too so I still used the running shoes that I stole. My hair was fixed by the mother and daughters so I will look like one of them.

"You're so beautiful. Your skin is so smooth and clean, forgetting about the scars, it's still perfect." The mother glanced at me with admiration. I'm not used to being flattered that my cheeks burned.

"We have makeups too. Let's darken your skin so you'll look perfectly like one of us." The young girl quickly went and came with a small and cute canister of a bronze colored cream. "I saw this from the port. A rich and pretty woman have dropped it. I tried to return it to her but she just smiled and said it's mine now. When I looked at it, it's the same color as my skin. It will be perfect for you."

I gladly nod at her as they start to put it on my skin until it's perfectly blended. It smells so good that my eyes closed in relaxation.


Wow! I was amazed when I looked in the mirror. Bronze or tan skin still suits me. They're all watching giving a thumbs up before I left the door.

"Greta, where are you?"

"We're getting closer. We couldn't find where you are."

"Just walk the straight path. Don't lose your way until you found the fields. If you found it, hide inside of the last house. Make sure no one will see you."

"Where are you?"

"It doesn't matter. I'll talk to them. Wear your earphones."

I shut down the phone and hid it under a house and wear an earring with no pair.

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