6. Catch Me if You can

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"Bonny!" Edward opened the door and embraced me. I think I missed my brother after not seeing him for a short time and after all, what happened in the woods it feels great knowing he's worried about me missing. "Where have you been? Did you met a boy out there and fooled him that you are beautiful?" He pushed me a bit and asked a nasty question.

"Oh look how sweet my brother is. You are worried and then accused me of fooling someone? How dare you!" I laughed a little and pinched his little nose.

"Aww! I'm just joking. I'm glad you came home with mom and dad. I thought you're coming home with a hunched back guy calling him your husband."

"One more time Edward and I'll throw you out to bathe with our neighbors' pigs," I warned him and went to my room to change my clothes.

"Take a small rest, honey. We will be having breakfast for a short while." I heard mom calling while I walk up the stairs and opened the door of my room.

"I'm not hungry!" I just respond, closed the door and removed my shoes. I saw the bed and it's like pulling me to lie on it. My body is still feeling tired, weak and dying to sleep even just for a while.

I sat on my bed, my skin is stretched and I frowned in pain. I'll heal soon so just ignore the pain. Enjoy while it lasts just like the quote says. But why do I still feel sleepy? I've slept too much and now I feel like I'm craving for more.

Ahh, it could be the side effect of the medicines they gave. I really hate medicines. I preferred herbs because it's natural but I have no choice and it's not good to be choosy when you're in someone's care.

I took a nap. The next I woke up, it's already getting dark. Oh no! I missed breakfast and lunch and I wasted too much time. I immediately get up and walked downstairs. I heard laughter and it wasn't coming from just two persons. Did we have visitors?

 Did we have visitors?

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I fixed myself in front of the mirror before showing up. Oh! It's Sovran and Scion. Why are they here?

"Baby, they came to visit you but you're asleep. Come on let's have dinner." Mom pulled my hand and we all dined in the kitchen. I'm so hungry I didn't notice I had put a lot of stuff on my plate.

"Slowly, darling, we have a lot more here." Dad calmly said in a serious manner.

"Oh don't mind him. Just eat. We know you're too hungry." Mom smiled at me and continues eating.

I was so embarrassed that I can't even look at anyone while eating. Is it I or the food mom served was more and more delicious? She cooks very well and I used to eat anything she puts on the table but this time, it became better.

We had conversed while enjoying the dinner. Knowing about the two's families and etcetera but I can feel they're not telling everything. I saw dad and mom wrinkled their forehead but shrugged their shoulders and ignored it. Maybe it's better to keep our mouth shut.

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