2. Running Wild

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It's been hours already. A few more it will get darker. I can't even remember passing through these trees before. I can't recognize anything.

It's Scions fault! He got my mind occupied and I got lost in this place. I took out my phone "no signal. What am I going to do?" I can't use my GPS; I can't call anyone for help.

I continued finding the way and then I saw a smoke from the other side of the mountain.

Please, God, tell me it's safe there. I walk in the direction where the smoke comes from. I hope the host will be kind to help me find my way back.

Shit! The way is too steep. It's really hard to walk on this slope. Where the hell the people walking towards that house? Maybe it's really a wrong way. Push harder, Brazen!

The dried pine needles covering the ground were giving me a hard time to walk. It was slippery that I looked for a stick to help me cross the way. "Argh!" I really hate this! Why am I so unlucky?!

The wind blew strong as I try to find a trail. The temperature is dropping lower and lower that I'm freezing. I should have brought a jacket but I didn't expected that this will happen. "Brrr!" Maybe I should warm up myself by moving faster to build sweat and burn energy!

It's getting darker when I got close to the place. There are a lot of half-naked men carrying logs, metals, and packages. There's also a woman holding a leash and a bolo's on her belt holster.

All of them look furious that changed my mind from asking help. I think... I think it's better to back away and get lost than asking help from these people. I moved backward but I bumped into someone.

I looked at it and it revealed a grumpy middle-aged hideous man staring down at me. He grabbed my shoulders and takes the attention of everyone.

"Hey, everyone! We have a visitor here!" He shouted to announce my arrival. When I looked at them, they're already running to attack, holding their clubs and knives.

I punched his nose hard and it bleeds and twisted his loosened arm that was holding me and kicked his leg. He fell down the slope towards the river. I continued running as fast as I can. 'No, I couldn't go back on that slippery slope!' I took another way where it's easier for me to run on.

I don't care If I get lost as long as I get rid of them. I'm in a foreign land where I don't know the danger and safe way.

*Blag!* I didn't notice a goon hiding in the bushes and she surprisingly takes me down with a single arm. I rolled down the slope and gets up on the way down. Every person I encounter holds a knife. I grabbed the dagger safely hidden in my black jeans covered by my long Sunday skirt. I parry, slit them and run.




There were countless arrows coming. I hope nothing could reach me, or else, I'll slow down and get caught and if that happens, I will be dead soon.

This continues until it's totally dark. I looked back, they're holding lights with them. It's getting colder and colder again. My fingers and toes hardened, I'm wet with cold sweat and my nose was clogging. It gets harder and harder for me to breathe through my nose and mouth that the cold air was freezing my brain with a headache. My throat is already dry making it worse for me to breathe freely.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!"

I need a place to stay and hide. I hope for a drop of luck this night. I continued running until I'm getting farther away from them silently. 'Water! I need water!'

But another one's in front of me again. I pushed him to the trunk of the tree; my left hand covered his mouth while my right hand slaughtered his neck. "Shit!" Am I losing my mind?! Is that even necessary?!

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