11. Thorns in My Throat

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"Sovran, what's up?" I didn't notice he's just at my back.

"It seems like Brazen has done a better job than us." He smiled bitterly.

"That woman's extraordinary. But it will lead her to great danger."

"Then, what's your plan? We have to save her before she puts more danger to herself and her family."

"We have to convince her dad. He has to know about this." I stood up immediately and went to the truck.

We reached Brazen's home immediately and they let us enter.

"I'm glad you came and visit again." Aunt Melch brought us two glasses of lemonade.

"Is Uncle Nick in here?" I asked her while looking around.

"Yes, but I think he just went to the back of the house to get some logs. Oh Since you're here already, do you want to stay here for the night again? Brazen has been lonely and she has frequently visited the town these past few days." She looks worried but it's better for her not to know anything about Brazen's actions.

"I'll find Uncle Nick then." I left the two and went to the kitchen where the door towards the back of their house can lead me to him. As soon as I turned the knob, I heard voices from two persons. It's from Brazen and uncle Nick.

"Do you think it's what you really wanted? Engineering is too difficult and also it's a man's job. A beautiful woman like you has no place in that field." Uh-oh, their conversation is really personal. Maybe I should save it for later. Wait, I want to hear her response. Uncle was really concerned and very careful towards her.

"Yes, I am sure with it. I'm going to prove to you and everyone that Civil Engineering is not only for men but also to women. It's not about the gender that matters, passion does everything."

Wow. I'm out of here. Sovran and Aunt Melch might be waiting for me.

At night, while drinking some wine, I took the opportunity to talk with Uncle Nick.

"You have to return to the city before she discovers something worse. This is too dangerous for every one of you. She'll agree if you pretend like you know nothing. Act normal and tell them that you have an emergency meeting." I explained everything to him.

"Okay, Scion. Thank you so much for informing. I was too worried about Brazen being too curious and an explorer. I hope she'll obey what I'm going to decide." Uncle Nick seems devastated.

"You're her father and while she's under your care, she has to follow all of your decisions. Show her that she's your burden until she graduates. You have the authority. I know she respects you and your decisions." As much as I'm concerned, I have to intrude a family for their safety. Sovran and I never did this before. They're very special.

"What now, Scion? It seems like you'll never see Brazen anymore." Sovran approached me when Uncle Nick's gone.

"Be quiet. She'll hear you. You know what that woman's capable of." I looked at Brazen. She looks at me too but with a glare.

"Oh, I think she's still mad at you. You have to fix that Scion. Or else she will think we're involved with his father's sudden decision." He pats my back and pushed me forward.

"I'll talk to her later. She's too stubborn. I have to be drunk so I can think more ways to this troublesome woman." I drank all the contents of my cup with one big gulp.

I guess I have to be rude to her again like before. It will be easier for her to leave.

I looked above with no intention but it made me realize what I have done as a kid. During my younger years, mom and dad would always fight and all I could do sometimes is to hide in my room and watch the sky from my terrace. Without the bright moon, everything from the sky is a boring scene. A dark sky with no stars will only scare me and worsen my emotions towards my lonely and ruined childhood. Now, at this hour the stars in the bright sky, they're twinkling brightly down to us. The shooting stars start to show up and I slipped my hands into my pocket to make a wish while closing my eyes with sincerity. I guess I have nothing to lose if I try this time.

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