54. Betraying Body

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I felt stinky. The sweat and dirt all mixed up in my clothes and skin. This training is exhausting. Now that everything was done, it is time to wash up.

The weapons were cleaned before it was returned to the armory, the uniform was thrown to the laundry and now it is time for my body to be cleansed.

It was hard as usual. Glad I brought some medicines and scar eraser to keep my body in good condition.


"Brrr!" I felt the cold water after turning on the shower. It will take a minute before it warms up by the heater. This is the only luxury I can receive after this tiring training and I want to be pleasured by taking my time enjoying it.

"Hmmm..." It feels great touching myself, smoothing the soap all over my skin. The scent is so relaxing that it makes me feel like I'm entirely clean. "Aaah..." This is perfect but why do I feel like something is missing?

What is missing? I wonder what my body wants. Maybe I need lather and spread it again from my face down to my neck then include my back and-

"Wha-" I felt that someone's behind me and it held on my waist where I was about to turn but it already shut my mouth with an intruding kiss. "Mmm!"

The guy was also naked and tall that I was trapped in his arms and the water made it hard for me to move hastily. The floor and his skin is slippery.

"Mmm..." I want to resist but my body betrays me. It seems like the answer is already here. Yes, my body is longing for touch and sex. "Ah..." I gave up resisting as his hands slide down my body travelling from inch to inch. It smoothed all over my back with gentle touch until it touched my butt that I responded to his hungry kiss. This reminded me of a great kisser that I once knew.

"Argh!" I heard him grunts as he left my lips and looked up the ceiling. He's so tall that all I can see right now is his masculine chest and I licked on his beautiful skin while he tightly grasps on my hair and pressed my head and body to his. It seems like he's trying on how soft my body was that I felt being squeezed.

With a gentle push I looked up at him as he stares down at me. "Alejandro..." I whispered as our eyes meet. The great kisser I once knew was here again. No wonder I couldn't resist this intruder but he responded by reaching my butt and raising me up to cling my thighs on his waist.

"Ah... Fuck..." He whispers as our mouths meet. His one arm was supporting my back while his other hand was grasping tightly on my left breast. He was holding on my breast like there's milk inside of it that he wants to sip.

"Oh..." He suckled on my nipples while I closed my eyes and looked up at the ceiling. I feel wet and very slippery down my sensitive part. "Mmm... No..." I felt more intense when he inserts one of his fingers inside of me which made me jolt crazily. "Ah..." My nails dug deep into his skin as he watches my face in deep pleasure.

I was reaching the peak but remembering that I'm already married and I love my husband, I have to retain self respect.

"Just for now, Brazen. Tomorrow, we can pretend like nothing happened." His grasp and face became gentle like an angel and the aggressiveness I have known of him for so long was gone.

"Find someone else because I'm already married." Though his offer was really tempting, I still have to refuse because I knew it wasn't right. The love I had for Scion always crossed my mind. If he had changed his mind, then that means I was left behind. No matter how betraying that is, I won't give in to someone.

"Brazen-" He held on my wrist after I passed over to leave. When I faced him, I saw how painful he looked at me. Is that how someone feels when their urge wasn't answered?

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