36. The Root of Evilness

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He's watching me, I'm staring at him. We're both watching each other's expression with the rhythm.


He pulled my arms towards his chest and held on my waist to carry me towards his kitchen to place my butt on a high chair.

"Oh... hah!" He started a bit slow and suddenly he went faster and faster. My breath was taken away from the vibrations and how he moves inside me is killing me with pleasure. Though there's a bit of pain with it I love it.

Visions, I can see them again when I closed my eyes with lust. I can remember, we were younger that time, kissing wildly at the trunk of a tree, his hands were holding my chest while I naughtily insert my hands into his clothes. Our hands travel as we kiss and moan while the bonfire is glowing. He suddenly stopped and I looked at him. "I'm sorry, Brazen. You deserve so much better than me." He was trying to be strong though I know he felt painful inside. My tears couldn't stop to flow as he pulls me to get inside my tent.

"Scion... mmmh..." I twist my head and pulled his shoulders kissing his collarbone up to his neck and gently bit his lips.

"Ah! Ah! Urgh!" He grunts and began to slow down.

"Aw! Be gentle." I scolded him. He really slowed down but he pushed too hard trying to insert his whole thing inside me though it's already bumping in my walls. I can feel the warm liquid coming out from him which gave me more pleasure and worry. "Ah... hmm..." I closed my eyes as I feel the warmth inside my walls. If I'll get pregnant, I wouldn't be worried. I couldn't stop but smile.

"We're not done yet, sweet cake." He whispered and bit my mouth. He carried me again and placed on a wall of mirrors.

"Huh!" Do I really looked like this?! I was surprised seeing myself in front of a mirror seeing my bulging and bruised cheeks and forehead!

"Shshsh... it's just temporary." He stands in front of me and gently embraced me. He bows down and brushed his beard on my cheeks and bite my shoulders. My mouth opened and my eyes closed in pleasure. Scion went to my back and pushed me against the mirror, raised my leg and surprisingly inserted his heated manhood.

"Oh! Ahh..." he comes up and down again and released my legs to grope on my breasts. "Ah..." His left hand pulled down my hair that I looked up at the ceiling and he licks on my neck.


"Mph..." I opened my eyes and wonder it around. My hands held my stomach and knew someone's holding it. My back felt a warm breath running on my skin and finally, I smiled. Everything was reala. I thought yesterday was just a dream.

I carefully moved my naked body to turn around and face him. Though it hurts like hell down in between my thighs.

'Scion, that was his name. Though it wasn't clear who he really was in my life I still gave my body to him.'

I felt like he was my first until now. Remembering that it was the year 2020, four years have gone by and knowing that I'm a horny kid, maybe I had sex with more than one guy. I'm afraid that it was true. Because if it really was true, I'd really want to spank my own head.

'What if I'm already committed to someone else?' I looked at my ring finger and saw a beautiful simple yet elegant ring. The design suits my taste like it was really made just for me.


I don't remember having this ring. It looks expensive that it's impossible for me to buy it.

"Mmm... you're still wearing this?" Scion woke up and held my hands staring at my ring. "I gave this to you after we had sex." He grins at me naughtily.

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