Chance Sutton - Insane Asylum

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You had somehow been convinced to go back to the insane asylum by your boyfriend, Chance. The first time had scared you enough, but Chance begged you to go, claiming that you were always able to keep him calm in a panicked state. So you went, and sat down as the Ouija board was set up.

"Is someone here?" Chance asked after you had swirled the planchette three times. After a moment of no response, he repeated, "Is anyone here?" The small plastic piece began to move slowly to spell out a word.


You were freaked out, and you looked at Chance. "Babe I don't like this," you said shakily. "Can I say goodbye?"

"y/n you just started," said Kade, who was filming it all for Jake's vlog. "Maybe it's a good spirit."

"What's your name?" Chance asked. It moved to spell another word.


"I'm saying goodbye," you said, as a statement this time not as a question. The game piece quickly moved again and spelled another word.


Then, Jake jumped backwards. He knew you were terrified so he warned you of the prank he was planning, but it still scared you. Everyone else stood up and ran over to him as he sat up as a noise sounded down the hall.

The 'game' was quickly restarted. "Is anyone here?" Chance asked.


"Are you going to hurt us?" asked Erica. When no response came, she rephrased the question. "Are you gonna hurt me?"


"Are you gonna hurt the four of us?" Jake asked.

The planchette slowly moved over towards the YES.

"This is so sketchy," you said as you looked around. "I wanna say bye."


"What do you want with me?" you asked.


At that point, you were more than freaked out. You were more than terrified.


You were horrified.

"Babe say bye," Chance said in a worried voice, "I gotta get her out of here."

You went to move the piece to goodbye, but it wouldn't move. "Guys it won't move," you said.

A loud sound echoed off the halls, and it didn't sound too far away. Your heart began to race, and you looked around as tears streamed down your face.

"Can I look through the planchette?" Jake asked.


"Can I look?" Chance asked.


Chance took the piece of plastic and lifted the glass to his eye. He looked around, then stopped when he saw you. "Babe get up! We're leaving, now." He forcefully took her hand, placed it on the planchette, and they both said goodbye. "We'll meet you out at the car," he said as he stood up, taking you with him. He practically dragged you out the way you came, until you were out at the car.

"What did you see?" you asked once you finally regained your breath. Tears were still streaming down your face, and Chance had tears of his own in his eyes.

"I-I don't wanna scare you even more," he said as he hugged you tightly.

"Tell me what you saw."

He sighed and pulled you closer. "There was a guy with shackles, running for you. And Erica, she- y/n there was like, another face there."

You began to shake. "This was a bad idea, this was a really bad idea. We're never coming back here, we're never playing with a Ouija board again."

He opened the door for you and you got in the car. You sat in the back, and he sat beside you with his arms wrapped tightly around you. "I had to get you out of there - I don't know what a ghost could do but I didn't want to find out."

"Thank you for saving me," you said quietly as you let out a sob into his chest and hugged him tightly. You'd never been more afraid in your life, but you knew that Chance would never let anything happen to you.

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