Ivan Martinez - English

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**A/N hey guys! All the Spanish used in this is from Google Translate, so I'm sorry if it's incorrect. I speak French, not Spanish lol. Translations will be in bold. Also, this is set in the time when they knew like, no English

You sat down across from your best friend, Ivan. You were teaching him some English, to improve his vocabulary. You picked up the textbook you'd bought online, from Spanish to English. You opened the book to the first page.

"We're gonna start with the basics," you said as you turned the book towards him. "¿Cuál es su nombre?" What is your name?

"My name is Ivan," he said with a smile on his face.

"Cuantos años tienes?" How old are you?

"I am eighteen years old." He smiled wider. "This is too easy, y/n. Try the next chapter."

You chuckled as you began to flip through the pages. "Someone's feeling confident." You stopped when you found chapter two. "Expressing feelings. Is this a textbook or a psychiatrist's book?"

He chuckled, though you knew he didn't know what a psychiatrist was - he hadn't learned that yet. He looked at the book for a moment, then looked at you. "I feel happy."

You smiled at him. "¿Por qué?" Why?

He looked at the book again. "Because I... am with you," he said. He looked to be second guessing himself, which made you chuckle.

"Don't worry, you said it right," you said as a small blush made its way across your face.

He smiled again and took the book. He flipped to the index in the back, then searched for something until he found what he was looking for. "I love you," he said as he looked up, his finger still pointing to the word he was looking at.

"I love you too," you said.

"Not friend."

Your face turned even more red. You'd had a teeny tiny crush on Ivan since he moved to LA. Maybe not tiny. More like massive. "Really?"

He nodded. "Sí." Yes

You smiled at him. "I love you too."

He leaned over and pecked your cheek quickly, then turned his attention back to the book as he took your hand in his.

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