Kade Speiser - Photograph

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You and your best friend, Kade, decided to go on a road trip together. You were both photographers, so you figured you could try to go somewhere new and take some cool pictures. You were at a truck stop in Nevada, right on the border of Idaho, when you pulled out your polaroid camera. Kade had bought it for you for your birthday last year, and you only used it for the most special occasions.

"You brought that?" he asked, smiling at you. When you nodded, he took the camera from your hands. "This is how people took selfies, way back when."

"Don't waste my film!" you said with a laugh, taking the camera back before he could take a picture. "I wanted to get a picture of the two of us on our special trip." You raised the camera so it was looking down at you and Kade. "So smile." You snapped the picture, and then Kade started driving again.

Nearly ten minutes later, the photo was out of the camera and done drying off. You looked at the picture and laughed a little. "Kade, you know the song photograph by Ed Sheeran?"

"y/n I swear to god if you start singing I will pull this car over and make you walk home."

You laughed and put your camera away, and put the photo on the dashboard so it wouldn't get ruined. "You wouldn't do that, because then your sorry ass would have no friends."

"You're not friends with my ass!"

You laughed harder and rolled your eyes. "You dump me here and you'll have no friends."

"I have Team Ten."

You shrugged. "Okay, whatever. Pull over then, or I'll tuck and roll out of this car."

He chuckled. "Nah, if you tuck and roll you'll get dirty. You're too pretty to get dirty."

You rolled your eyes. For years, this was how it'd been between you and Kade. You made flirty remarks towards each other all the time, but neither of you was romantically interested in the other. It was just the way you were. "Yeah, whatever."

He smiled at you, before pulling the car over. "I saw a meadow like, two seconds ago. Let;s go get some pictures."

You smiled and practically jumped from the car and excitedly followed Kade as he led you through some trees, to a beautiful meadow. Over the next twenty minutes, the two of you took dozens of pictures on your digital cameras. You took pictures of the flowers, the trees, the sky, even each other.

Once you'd taken nearly every photograph possible, you got back into the car. Once you were settled in and Kade started to drive again, you took your polariod photo off the dashboard and smiled to yourself. You reached into your bag and pulled out a sharpie and labeled the photo in the white space beneath it:

Best Trip Ever 

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